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The Jericho Reach - Supplement Preview

With a Ravenous Hunger

A preview of The Jericho Reach, an upcoming Deathwatch supplement “Scores of winged creatures are approaching the Hive complex. The larger ones are dropping organic missiles that burst on impact, and they seem to screech as they swoop down. The sound is becoming louder and louder. The screaming, Emperor preserve us, the...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on January 4th, 2012

Read more right here | Read more on fantasyflightgames.com

“Scores of winged creatures are approaching the Hive complex. The larger ones are dropping organic missiles that burst on impact, and they seem to screech as they swoop down. The sound is becoming louder and louder. The screaming, Emperor preserve us, the screaming!"
     –Vox recording recovered from Hive Cresson on Castobel

Back in November, we announced the upcoming release of The Jericho Reach, a supplement for Deathwatch that provides in-depth information on the struggles of Kill-teams currently operating throughout the Reach. Each chapter delves into detail on the personalities, planets, and themes of a specific salient, while providing players and Game Masters alike with important resources for integrating the setting more deeply into their campaigns.

In our first preview, we looked at the Acheros Salient, where the Battle-Brothers of the Deathwatch wage a bloody war against the Chaos-worshipping forces of Stigmartus. Next, we explored the Canis Salient and the Deathwatch’s struggle against the Tau. Today, we’ll turn our attention to the Orpheus Salient. Once the greatest accomplishment of the Achilus Crusade, this troubled sector has since languished beneath the looming shadow of Hive Fleet Dagon. Now, only the direct intervention of the Deathwatch on a few key remaining worlds can ensure a continued Imperial foothold.

Terrifying evolution

Initial contact with the Tyranid foe suggested that the xenos forces were little more than a minor splinter fleet. But over the years since first contact, the Tyranid menace has shown few signs of abating, instead advancing inexorably into the Jericho Reach. This relentless swarm continues to grow, as each new triumph expands its available bio-mass. The stalwart vigilance of the Deathwatch in concert with the near-boundless sacrifices of the Achilus Crusade has blunted the pace of the xenos advance, but the tide has not yet turned. The size of Hive Fleet Dagon is so far undetermined, but one thing is certain: the forces of the Crusade and the Deathwatch are struggling to compete.

Throughout the Hive Fleet’s advance, it has continuously evolved new creatures and tactics. Several Tyranid variant strains have been observed within Hive Fleet Dagon that are believed to be completely novel, and of these, a few have even generated legends and lore among the Imperial forces that oppose them. The Dagon Overlord, for example, is a terrifying monster known for its malicious streak and its ability to drive lesser Tyranid strains to an even more hideous fervour than is typically observed. Meanwhile, the fearsome and solitary Mist Reaper is a variant of the Lictor strain with the uncanny ability to infiltrate deep into civilian areas, beyond the reach of Imperial security measures.

For more on Hive Fleet Dagon, we’re pleased to present a downloadable preview of the winged and serpentine Harpy, a massive flying terror capable of raining death onto an unsuspecting Kill-team. Learn what you will about this formidable foe, but beware: by the time you hear its telltale screams, you’re probably too late.

The Harpy (pdf, 1.4 MB)

Visit your local retailer today to pre-order your copy of The Jericho Reach, and look for it on store shelves in just a few weeks!

Deathwatch is a roleplaying game in which players take on the roles of the bio-engineered super-soldiers known as Space Marines. United with their battle-brothers, players will complete extraordinary missions involving some of the greatest heroes and deadliest opponents the Warhammer 40,000 universe has to offer.


The Jericho Reach - Supplement Preview

With a Ravenous Hunger

Back in November, we announced the upcoming release of The Jericho Reach, a supplement for Deathwatch that provides in-depth information on the struggles of Kill-teams currently operating throughout the Reach. Each chapter delves into detail on the personalities, planets, and themes of a specific salient, while providing players and Game Masters alike with important resources for integrating the setting more deeply into their campaigns.In our first preview, we looked at the Acheros Salient, where the Battle-Brothers of the Deathwatch wage a bloody war against the Chaos-worshipping forces of Stigmartus. Next, we explored the Canis Salient and the Deathwatch's struggle against the Tau. Today, we'll turn our attention to the Orpheus Salient. Once the greatest accomplishment of the Achilus Crusade, this troubled sector has since languished beneath the looming shadow of Hive Fleet Dagon. Now, only the direct intervention of the Deathwatch on a few key remaining worlds can ensure a continued...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on January 4th, 2012

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Published 4 January 2012 | Deathwatch

With a Ravenous Hunger

A preview of The Jericho Reach, an upcoming Deathwatch supplement

“Scores of winged creatures are approaching the Hive complex. The larger ones are dropping organic missiles that burst on impact, and they seem to screech as they swoop down. The sound is becoming louder and louder. The screaming, Emperor preserve us, the screaming!"      –Vox recording recovered from Hive Cresson on Castobel

Back in November, we announced the upcoming release of The Jericho Reach, a supplement for Deathwatch that provides in-depth information on the struggles of Kill-teams currently operating throughout the Reach. Each chapter delves into detail on the personalities, planets, and themes of a specific salient, while providing players and Game Masters alike with important resources for integrating the setting more deeply into their campaigns.

In our first preview, we looked at the Acheros Salient, where the Battle-Brothers of the Deathwatch wage a bloody war against the Chaos-worshipping forces of Stigmartus. Next, we explored the Canis Salient and the Deathwatch’s struggle against the Tau. Today, we’ll turn our attention to the Orpheus Salient. Once the greatest accomplishment of the Achilus Crusade, this troubled sector has since languished beneath the looming shadow of Hive Fleet Dagon. Now, only the direct intervention of the Deathwatch on a few key remaining worlds can ensure a continued Imperial foothold.

Terrifying evolution

Initial contact with the Tyranid foe suggested that the xenos forces were little more than a minor splinter fleet. But over the years since first contact, the Tyranid menace has shown few signs of abating, instead advancing inexorably into the Jericho Reach. This relentless swarm continues to grow, as each new triumph expands its available bio-mass. The stalwart vigilance of the Deathwatch in concert with the near-boundless sacrifices of the Achilus Crusade has blunted the pace of the xenos advance, but the tide has not yet turned. The size of Hive Fleet Dagon is so far undetermined, but one thing is certain: the forces of the Crusade and the Deathwatch are struggling to compete.

Throughout the Hive Fleet’s advance, it has continuously evolved new creatures and tactics. Several Tyranid variant strains have been observed within Hive Fleet Dagon that are believed to be completely novel, and of these, a few have even generated legends and lore among the Imperial forces that oppose them. The Dagon Overlord, for example, is a terrifying monster known for its malicious streak and its ability to drive lesser Tyranid strains to an even more hideous fervour than is typically observed. Meanwhile, the fearsome and solitary Mist Reaper is a variant of the Lictor strain with the uncanny ability to infiltrate deep into civilian areas, beyond the reach of Imperial security measures.

For more on Hive Fleet Dagon, we’re pleased to present a downloadable preview of the winged and serpentine Harpy, a massive flying terror capable of raining death onto an unsuspecting Kill-team. Learn what you will about this formidable foe, but beware: by the time you hear its telltale screams, you’re probably too late.

The Harpy (pdf, 1.4 MB)

Visit your local retailer today to pre-order your copy of The Jericho Reach, and look for it on store shelves in just a few weeks!

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The Jericho Reach - Supplement Preview

With a Ravenous Hunger

Back in November, we announced the upcoming release of The Jericho Reach, a supplement for Deathwatch that provides in-depth information on the struggles of Kill-teams currently operating throughout the Reach. Each chapter delves into detail on the personalities, planets, and themes of a specific salient, while providing players and Game Masters alike with important resources for integrating the setting more deeply into their campaigns.In our first preview, we looked at the Acheros Salient, where the Battle-Brothers of the Deathwatch wage a bloody war against the Chaos-worshipping forces of Stigmartus. Next, we explored the Canis Salient and the Deathwatch's struggle against the Tau. Today, we'll turn our attention to the Orpheus Salient. Once the greatest accomplishment of the Achilus Crusade, this troubled sector has since languished beneath the looming shadow of Hive Fleet Dagon. Now, only the direct intervention of the Deathwatch on a few key remaining worlds can ensure a continued...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on January 4th, 2012

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Published 4 January 2012 | Deathwatch

With a Ravenous Hunger

A preview of The Jericho Reach, an upcoming Deathwatch supplement

“Scores of winged creatures are approaching the Hive complex. The larger ones are dropping organic missiles that burst on impact, and they seem to screech as they swoop down. The sound is becoming louder and louder. The screaming, Emperor preserve us, the screaming!"      –Vox recording recovered from Hive Cresson on Castobel

Back in November, we announced the upcoming release of The Jericho Reach, a supplement for Deathwatch that provides in-depth information on the struggles of Kill-teams currently operating throughout the Reach. Each chapter delves into detail on the personalities, planets, and themes of a specific salient, while providing players and Game Masters alike with important resources for integrating the setting more deeply into their campaigns.

In our first preview, we looked at the Acheros Salient, where the Battle-Brothers of the Deathwatch wage a bloody war against the Chaos-worshipping forces of Stigmartus. Next, we explored the Canis Salient and the Deathwatch’s struggle against the Tau. Today, we’ll turn our attention to the Orpheus Salient. Once the greatest accomplishment of the Achilus Crusade, this troubled sector has since languished beneath the looming shadow of Hive Fleet Dagon. Now, only the direct intervention of the Deathwatch on a few key remaining worlds can ensure a continued Imperial foothold.

Terrifying evolution

Initial contact with the Tyranid foe suggested that the xenos forces were little more than a minor splinter fleet. But over the years since first contact, the Tyranid menace has shown few signs of abating, instead advancing inexorably into the Jericho Reach. This relentless swarm continues to grow, as each new triumph expands its available bio-mass. The stalwart vigilance of the Deathwatch in concert with the near-boundless sacrifices of the Achilus Crusade has blunted the pace of the xenos advance, but the tide has not yet turned. The size of Hive Fleet Dagon is so far undetermined, but one thing is certain: the forces of the Crusade and the Deathwatch are struggling to compete.

Throughout the Hive Fleet’s advance, it has continuously evolved new creatures and tactics. Several Tyranid variant strains have been observed within Hive Fleet Dagon that are believed to be completely novel, and of these, a few have even generated legends and lore among the Imperial forces that oppose them. The Dagon Overlord, for example, is a terrifying monster known for its malicious streak and its ability to drive lesser Tyranid strains to an even more hideous fervour than is typically observed. Meanwhile, the fearsome and solitary Mist Reaper is a variant of the Lictor strain with the uncanny ability to infiltrate deep into civilian areas, beyond the reach of Imperial security measures.

For more on Hive Fleet Dagon, we’re pleased to present a downloadable preview of the winged and serpentine Harpy, a massive flying terror capable of raining death onto an unsuspecting Kill-team. Learn what you will about this formidable foe, but beware: by the time you hear its telltale screams, you’re probably too late.

The Harpy (pdf, 1.4 MB)

Visit your local retailer today to pre-order your copy of The Jericho Reach, and look for it on store shelves in just a few weeks!

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Hostile Acquisitions - Supplement Now Available

Legal Grey Areas

Rogue Traders are accustomed to earning their livings in the grey areas of the law, but a few brave or foolhardy captains take it a step further...Hostile Acquisitions, the latest supplement for Rogue Trader, is now on sale at your local retailer and our webstore! Within this detailed book, players and GMs will find all they need to run a campaign on the far side of Imperial Law. From new characters and equipment to creating nemeses and running games based on criminal enterprise, Hostile Acquisitions is an invaluable resource on those Rogue Traders who are more rogue than trader. Honor Among ThievesFor more on Hostile Acquisitions, let's hear from Rogue Trader's lead developer:Hostile Acquisitions has some particularly exciting aspects that were deviously fun to work on. One was the new character alternate career ranks, such as the Swashbucker, the House Operative, and the Cold Trader. These new alternate career ranks are highly flavourful, and allow you to make a character with a dist...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on December 21st, 2011

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Published 21 December 2011 | Rogue Trader

Legal Grey Areas

Hostile Acquisitions, a supplement for Rogue Trader, is now on sale

“Always be watchful of pirates and other ne’er-do-wells; seldom, if ever, are they unarmed, and even one who appears at your mercy may still have a trick or six left. A micro-stubber, a sneak-knife, a tox-mister or something more malicious still may lurk beneath sleeves, within hidden pockets elsewhere about their person.”       –Chief Petty Officer Vincholo, addressing a new group of Armsmen aboard the Vengeful Martyr

Rogue Traders are accustomed to earning their livings in the grey areas of the law, but a few brave or foolhardy captains take it a step further...

Hostile Acquisitions, the latest supplement for Rogue Trader, is now on sale at your local retailer and our webstore! Within this detailed book, players and GMs will find all they need to run a campaign on the far side of Imperial Law. From new characters and equipment to creating nemeses and running games based on criminal enterprise, Hostile Acquisitions is an invaluable resource on those Rogue Traders who are more rogue than trader. 

Honor Among Thieves

For more on Hostile Acquisitions, let’s hear from Rogue Trader’s lead developer:

Hostile Acquisitions has some particularly exciting aspects that were deviously fun to work on. One was the new character alternate career ranks, such as the Swashbucker, the House Operative, and the Cold Trader. These new alternate career ranks are highly flavourful, and allow you to make a character with a distinctively “scoundrel” bent. The House Operative is especially interesting, because it allows players to make characters who are essentially secret agents for a more powerful entity. They might even be working for the Rogue Trader’s dynasty’s interests, rather than the Rogue Trader, so players may take the role of an agent who may be secretly working against his own boss. 

Another fascinating part of Hostile Acquisitions is the Nemesis Origin Path. A modification of the popular Rogue Trader Origin Path system, the Nemesis Path helps GMs craft a custom made adversary for their groups. The Nemesis Path actually ties into the Origin Path that the players fill out, so that the choices they make can determine the type of adversary they’ll go up against.

Of course, this is only some of the new content in this book. Hostile Acquisitions has new gear and starship upgrades to facilitate piracy and smuggling, a section on Imperial adversaries and details on Imperial Law, guidelines on how to run a “con” game, and a list of mythical treasures waiting to be “liberated.”

Hostile Acquisitions is a guide to crime for Explorers with a flexible sense of morality. A catalog of valuable treasures wait to be “liberated.” In short, Hostile Acquisitions is proof that in the Koronus Expanse, crime often pays.

For more on Hostile Acquisitions, check out our previews: Tools of the Trade, Fleecing the Faithful, and Your Nemesis is Waiting. Then, head to your local retailer to grab your copy today (please acquire it honestly and without the use of threats)!

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Hostile Acquisitions - Supplement Now Available

Legal Grey Areas

Hostile Acquisitions, a supplement for Rogue Trader, is now on sale “Always be watchful of pirates and other ne’er-do-wells; seldom, if ever, are they unarmed, and even one who appears at your mercy may still have a trick or six left. A micro-stubber, a sneak-knife, a tox-mister or something more malicious still may...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on December 21st, 2011

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“Always be watchful of pirates and other ne’er-do-wells; seldom, if ever, are they unarmed, and even one who appears at your mercy may still have a trick or six left. A micro-stubber, a sneak-knife, a tox-mister or something more malicious still may lurk beneath sleeves, within hidden pockets elsewhere about their person.”
      –Chief Petty Officer Vincholo, addressing a new group of Armsmen aboard the Vengeful Martyr

Rogue Traders are accustomed to earning their livings in the grey areas of the law, but a few brave or foolhardy captains take it a step further...

Hostile Acquisitions, the latest supplement for Rogue Trader, is now on sale at your local retailer and our webstore! Within this detailed book, players and GMs will find all they need to run a campaign on the far side of Imperial Law. From new characters and equipment to creating nemeses and running games based on criminal enterprise, Hostile Acquisitions is an invaluable resource on those Rogue Traders who are more rogue than trader. 

Honor Among Thieves

For more on Hostile Acquisitions, let’s hear from Rogue Trader’s lead developer:

Hostile Acquisitions has some particularly exciting aspects that were deviously fun to work on. One was the new character alternate career ranks, such as the Swashbucker, the House Operative, and the Cold Trader. These new alternate career ranks are highly flavourful, and allow you to make a character with a distinctively “scoundrel” bent. The House Operative is especially interesting, because it allows players to make characters who are essentially secret agents for a more powerful entity. They might even be working for the Rogue Trader’s dynasty’s interests, rather than the Rogue Trader, so players may take the role of an agent who may be secretly working against his own boss. 

Another fascinating part of Hostile Acquisitions is the Nemesis Origin Path. A modification of the popular Rogue Trader Origin Path system, the Nemesis Path helps GMs craft a custom made adversary for their groups. The Nemesis Path actually ties into the Origin Path that the players fill out, so that the choices they make can determine the type of adversary they’ll go up against.

Of course, this is only some of the new content in this book. Hostile Acquisitions has new gear and starship upgrades to facilitate piracy and smuggling, a section on Imperial adversaries and details on Imperial Law, guidelines on how to run a “con” game, and a list of mythical treasures waiting to be “liberated.”

Hostile Acquisitions is a guide to crime for Explorers with a flexible sense of morality. A catalog of valuable treasures wait to be “liberated.” In short, Hostile Acquisitions is proof that in the Koronus Expanse, crime often pays.

For more on Hostile Acquisitions, check out our previews: Tools of the Trade, Fleecing the Faithful, and Your Nemesis is Waiting. Then, head to your local retailer to grab your copy today (please acquire it honestly and without the use of threats)!

Rogue Trader is a roleplaying game set in dark gothic far future of Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 universe. Players take on the roles of explorers aboard a Rogue Trader's ship, searching for profit and adventure while discovering new alien cultures and threats in the uncharted regions of space.


Hostile Acquisitions - Supplement Now Available

Legal Grey Areas

Rogue Traders are accustomed to earning their livings in the grey areas of the law, but a few brave or foolhardy captains take it a step further...Hostile Acquisitions, the latest supplement for Rogue Trader, is now on sale at your local retailer and our webstore! Within this detailed book, players and GMs will find all they need to run a campaign on the far side of Imperial Law. From new characters and equipment to creating nemeses and running games based on criminal enterprise, Hostile Acquisitions is an invaluable resource on those Rogue Traders who are more rogue than trader. Honor Among ThievesFor more on Hostile Acquisitions, let's hear from Rogue Trader's lead developer:Hostile Acquisitions has some particularly exciting aspects that were deviously fun to work on. One was the new character alternate career ranks, such as the Swashbucker, the House Operative, and the Cold Trader. These new alternate career ranks are highly flavourful, and allow you to make a character with a dist...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on December 21st, 2011

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Published 21 December 2011 | Rogue Trader

Legal Grey Areas

Hostile Acquisitions, a supplement for Rogue Trader, is now on sale

“Always be watchful of pirates and other ne’er-do-wells; seldom, if ever, are they unarmed, and even one who appears at your mercy may still have a trick or six left. A micro-stubber, a sneak-knife, a tox-mister or something more malicious still may lurk beneath sleeves, within hidden pockets elsewhere about their person.”       –Chief Petty Officer Vincholo, addressing a new group of Armsmen aboard the Vengeful Martyr

Rogue Traders are accustomed to earning their livings in the grey areas of the law, but a few brave or foolhardy captains take it a step further...

Hostile Acquisitions, the latest supplement for Rogue Trader, is now on sale at your local retailer and our webstore! Within this detailed book, players and GMs will find all they need to run a campaign on the far side of Imperial Law. From new characters and equipment to creating nemeses and running games based on criminal enterprise, Hostile Acquisitions is an invaluable resource on those Rogue Traders who are more rogue than trader. 

Honor Among Thieves

For more on Hostile Acquisitions, let’s hear from Rogue Trader’s lead developer:

Hostile Acquisitions has some particularly exciting aspects that were deviously fun to work on. One was the new character alternate career ranks, such as the Swashbucker, the House Operative, and the Cold Trader. These new alternate career ranks are highly flavourful, and allow you to make a character with a distinctively “scoundrel” bent. The House Operative is especially interesting, because it allows players to make characters who are essentially secret agents for a more powerful entity. They might even be working for the Rogue Trader’s dynasty’s interests, rather than the Rogue Trader, so players may take the role of an agent who may be secretly working against his own boss. 

Another fascinating part of Hostile Acquisitions is the Nemesis Origin Path. A modification of the popular Rogue Trader Origin Path system, the Nemesis Path helps GMs craft a custom made adversary for their groups. The Nemesis Path actually ties into the Origin Path that the players fill out, so that the choices they make can determine the type of adversary they’ll go up against.

Of course, this is only some of the new content in this book. Hostile Acquisitions has new gear and starship upgrades to facilitate piracy and smuggling, a section on Imperial adversaries and details on Imperial Law, guidelines on how to run a “con” game, and a list of mythical treasures waiting to be “liberated.”

Hostile Acquisitions is a guide to crime for Explorers with a flexible sense of morality. A catalog of valuable treasures wait to be “liberated.” In short, Hostile Acquisitions is proof that in the Koronus Expanse, crime often pays.

For more on Hostile Acquisitions, check out our previews: Tools of the Trade, Fleecing the Faithful, and Your Nemesis is Waiting. Then, head to your local retailer to grab your copy today (please acquire it honestly and without the use of threats)!

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The Koronus Bestiary - Bestiary Announcement

Terrors To Fill Your Nightmares

Announcing The Koronus Bestiary, an upcoming supplement for Rogue Trader “Do not waste your fear on the unknown, for in Koronus we have known terrors aplenty to fill your nightmares."      –Seneschal Venton Tiebolt From the enigmatic Eldar to the ferocious Orks, alien races seek to halt...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on December 14th, 2011

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“Do not waste your fear on the unknown, for in Koronus we have known terrors aplenty to fill your nightmares."
     –Seneschal Venton Tiebolt

From the enigmatic Eldar to the ferocious Orks, alien races seek to halt Mankind’s rightful rule of the galaxy. Will you master these foul creatures and rule the void, or become another foolhardy Explorer lost to the Expanse?

Fantasy Flight Games is excited to announce The Koronus Bestiary, an upcoming supplement for Rogue Trader! The Koronus Bestiary is a detailed compendium of deadly beasts, hostile xenos, unholy daemons, and other dangers that fill the uncharted regions of the Koronus Expanse.

In addition to its many adventure seeds and plot hooks, this comprehensive tome features art and descriptions for a range of foes, including Shadowkith, Thornmaws, Void Krakens, and a host of others. Looking for even more vile enemies? The Xenos Generator rules allow players to create alien species as varied and dangerous as they can imagine!

To know your foe

Humanity may have settled untold worlds in the Koronus Expanse, but only the most audacious of Rogue Traders would dare claim that it asserts any true dominion over this lawless region of space. For every conquered planet there are dozens more under the control of vile aliens. Explorers operating in the Expanse are sure to encounter these threats in their journeys, either by accident or design, and must be ready lest their ship and their profits be lost.

Each of The Koronus Bestiary’s chapters concentrates on one type of threat, ranging from savage monsters to predatory alien races to the terrors that lurk beyond reality. Chapter one examines some of the more dangerous beasts found across the Expanse, while chapter two covers the major sentient xenos races in this lawless region of space (such as the devious Stryxis, brutal Orks, treacherous Eldar, ferocious Rak’Gol, and much more). Next, chapter three presents a different sort of threat: foul warp spawn that not only destroy an Explorer’s body, but rend his very soul. Finally, Game Masters can use chapter four’s xenos generator to produce unique beasts, dangerous plant life and even primitive sentient races ripe for exploitation and indoctrination.

Innumerable terrors populate the uncharted planets of the Koronus Expanse. Will you be ready for them? Keep checking back for more information, and look for The Koronus Bestiary on store shelves in the first quarter of 2012!

Rogue Trader is a roleplaying game set in dark gothic far future of Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 universe. Players take on the roles of explorers aboard a Rogue Trader's ship, searching for profit and adventure while discovering new alien cultures and threats in the uncharted regions of space.


Game Master's Kit - Core Download Available

Honour the Ruinous Powers

Guide your players down the path of Chaos. The Game Master's Kit for Black Crusade is now available for sale via download at drivethrurpg.com and rpgnow.com! This helpful resource features a pdf version of the Game Master's screen, displaying stunning Black Crusade art on one side and a wealth of useful quick references on the other. In addition, The Game Master's Kit includes a 32-page full colour booklet with a complete adventure, a selection of useful NPCs, expanded rules for running Black Crusade adventures, and advice for how to run an extended campaign.On a warp-ravaged worldChallenge your players with the included adventure, which takes a group of Heretics to the shattered ruins of an infamous pirate empire. Once there, they'll find a harsh reminder that the Screaming Vortex teems with other servants of Chaos, and in each one burns the same bloody determination to earn glory by any means necessary. While on a hunt for a cultural relic of great influence that was lost in the wrec...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on December 13th, 2011

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Published 13 December 2011 | Black Crusade

Honour the Ruinous Powers

The Black Crusade Game Master's Kit is on sale via download

“Make war upon the Imperium of Man? What is it you think the Legions have been doing for the last ten thousand years? War does not end with a single victory or a single planet. It is an eternal creature that outlives men and their tiny triumphs."      –Arzyn the Silencebringer, warrior of the World Eaters

Guide your players down the path of Chaos. The Game Master’s Kit for Black Crusade is now available for sale via download at drivethrurpg.com and rpgnow.com! This helpful resource features a pdf version of the Game Master’s screen, displaying stunning Black Crusade art on one side and a wealth of useful quick references on the other. In addition, The Game Master’s Kit includes a 32-page full colour booklet with a complete adventure, a selection of useful NPCs, expanded rules for running Black Crusade adventures, and advice for how to run an extended campaign.

On a warp-ravaged world

Challenge your players with the included adventure, which takes a group of Heretics to the shattered ruins of an infamous pirate empire. Once there, they’ll find a harsh reminder that the Screaming Vortex teems with other servants of Chaos, and in each one burns the same bloody determination to earn glory by any means necessary. While on a hunt for a cultural relic of great influence that was lost in the wreck of a mercenary transport ship, the Heretics will begin a race for power against ruthless competition.

But rival fortune-seekers may not be the greatest threat they face; their prize is on the brutal world of Sacgrave, a warp-ravaged planet that’s home to marauding gangs, horrific mutants, and worse. Gather clues, coerce the local populace, and deal with the planet’s fickle overseer, and you’ll earn the favour of your dark masters.

Glory and power await those willing to learn forbidden knowledge. Head to drivethrurpg.com or rpgnow.com to download your copy today!

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Game Master's Kit - Core Download Available

Honour the Ruinous Powers

The Black Crusade Game Master's Kit is on sale via download

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on December 13th, 2011

Read more right here | Read more on fantasyflightgames.com

"Make war upon the Imperium of Man? What is it you think the Legions have been doing for the last ten thousand years? War does not end with a single victory or a single planet. It is an eternal creature that outlives men and their tiny triumphs."
-Arzyn the Silencebringer, warrior of the World Eaters

Guide your players down the path of Chaos. The Game Master's Kit for Black Crusade is now available for sale via download at drivethrurpg.com and rpgnow.com! This helpful resource features a pdf version of the Game Master's screen, displaying stunning Black Crusade art on one side and a wealth of useful quick references on the other. In addition, The Game Master's Kit includes a 32-page full colour booklet with a complete adventure, a selection of useful NPCs, expanded rules for running Black Crusade adventures, and advice for how to run an extended campaign.

On a warp-ravaged world

Challenge your players with the included adventure, which takes a group of Heretics to the shattered ruins of an infamous pirate empire. Once there, they'll find a harsh reminder that the Screaming Vortex teems with other servants of Chaos, and in each one burns the same bloody determination to earn glory by any means necessary.
While on a hunt for a cultural relic of great influence that was lost in the wreck of a mercenary transport ship, the Heretics will begin a race for power against ruthless competition.

But rival fortune-seekers may not be the greatest threat they face; their prize is on the brutal world of Sacgrave, a warp-ravaged planet that's home to marauding gangs, horrific mutants, and worse. Gather clues, coerce the local populace, and deal with the planet's fickle overseer, and you'll earn the favour of your dark masters.

Glory and power await those willing to learn forbidden knowledge. Head to drivethrurpg.com or rpgnow.com to download your copy today!

Black Crusade is a roleplaying game set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, a setting in the grim darkness of the far future. Players take on the roles of Disciples of the Dark Gods, working against the rule of the galaxy-spanning Imperium of Man and in pursuit of personal glory.


Hand of Corruption - Adventure Preview

Ruinous Rituals

A preview of Hand of Corruption, the upcoming adventure for Black Crusade To call forth the wraiths of flame and shadow, blood and darkness, the disciples must swear a compact; must act as one, their minds turned to one purpose. Let them swear their service in blood, not their own, but of the innocent, the righteous, and the unspoilt.

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on December 13th, 2011

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To call forth the wraiths of flame and shadow, blood and darkness, the disciples must swear a compact; must act as one, their minds turned to one purpose. Let them swear their service in blood, not their own, but of the innocent, the righteous, and the unspoilt.
      – from De Orbis Mysteriis

Back in October, we announced Hand of Corruption, a full adventure in three acts for Black Crusade. Presented in one comprehensive volume, Hand of Corruption is an epic story that takes you and your fellow Heretics from the swirling depths of the Screaming Vortex to the far reaches of the Calixis Sector, and then to a parched and windswept Imperial penal world called Saint Annard’s Penance. There, you’ll attempt to perform an unholy ritual to drag the planet into the Screaming Vortex, an offering to the Ruinous Powers!

In our most recent preview, we looked at the planet of Saint Annard’s Penance, a bleak and desolate Imperial world that serves as both an important penal facility and a strategically placed industrial hub. We also saw how, if stolen away into the Screaming Vortex, Saint Annard’s Penance could become a vital base in your Black Crusade.

But how could such a feat even be achieved? Today, we’re pleased to offer another glimpse inside Hand of Corruption. Follow the link below or visit our support page to download details on the foul ritual required to drag a world into the darkness of Chaos, taken directly from the enigmatic pages of De Orbis Mysteriis.

De Orbis Mysteriis Ritual (print quality pdf, 9.9 MB)
De Orbis Mysteriis Ritual (web quality pdf, 752 KB)

A tome of sinister power

Without giving too much away, Hand of Corruption will see the Heretics recover an ancient tome entitled De Orbis Mysteriis early in the narrative, and it is from this source that the necessary ritual can be learned.

It is bound in rough, hide-like leather that appears to have been harvested from the face of some alien creature—vague features are still visible on the cover. The pages are of weathered vellum-like material. The majority of the writing is in a crabbed script, using inks of varied shades form sepia to jet-black. All of the material seems to be written in the same handwriting, but spacing varies between sections. The book is written in a number of different languages, including High and Low Gothic, but also Chaos Marks, Xenos Markings, and even Techna-Lingua. A number of pages have obviously been removed, some have been damaged, and in many places marginal notes have been added in a variety of different handwritings and languages. 

Those who peruse the book (by passing the applicable skill checks) will quickly discover that the author was a genius, a lunatic, or some combination of the two. The ritual requires a number of exact components, each integral to success, and only after they’ve all been gathered (no small undertaking) will the Heretics be prepared to begin. Will you have the skill and fortitude to earn the favour of the Ruinous Powers?

Check back for more on Hand of Corruption in the coming weeks, and prepare to summon it to your Black Crusade campaign early in the first quarter of 2012!

Black Crusade is a roleplaying game set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, a setting in the grim darkness of the far future. Players take on the roles of Disciples of the Dark Gods, working against the rule of the galaxy-spanning Imperium of Man and in pursuit of personal glory.


Hand of Corruption - Adventure Preview

Ruinous Rituals

To call forth the wraiths of flame and shadow, blood and darkness, the disciples must swear a compact; must act as one, their minds turned to one purpose. Let them swear their service in blood, not their own, but of the innocent, the righteous, and the unspoilt.       -- from De Orbis MysteriisBack in October, we announcedHand of Corruption, a full adventure in three acts for Black Crusade. Presented in one comprehensive volume, Hand of Corruption is an epic story that takes you and your fellow Heretics from the swirling depths of the Screaming Vortex to the far reaches of the Calixis Sector, and then to a parched and windswept Imperial penal world called Saint Annard's Penance. There, you'll attempt to perform an unholy ritual to drag the planet into the Screaming Vortex, an offering to the Ruinous Powers!In our most recent preview, we looked at the planet of Saint Annard's Penance, a bleak and desolate Imperial world that serves as both an important penal facility and a strategic...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on December 13th, 2011

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Published 13 December 2011 | Black Crusade

Ruinous Rituals

A preview of Hand of Corruption, the upcoming adventure for Black Crusade

To call forth the wraiths of flame and shadow, blood and darkness, the disciples must swear a compact; must act as one, their minds turned to one purpose. Let them swear their service in blood, not their own, but of the innocent, the righteous, and the unspoilt.       – from De Orbis Mysteriis

Back in October, we announced Hand of Corruption, a full adventure in three acts for Black Crusade. Presented in one comprehensive volume, Hand of Corruption is an epic story that takes you and your fellow Heretics from the swirling depths of the Screaming Vortex to the far reaches of the Calixis Sector, and then to a parched and windswept Imperial penal world called Saint Annard’s Penance. There, you’ll attempt to perform an unholy ritual to drag the planet into the Screaming Vortex, an offering to the Ruinous Powers!

In our most recent preview, we looked at the planet of Saint Annard’s Penance, a bleak and desolate Imperial world that serves as both an important penal facility and a strategically placed industrial hub. We also saw how, if stolen away into the Screaming Vortex, Saint Annard’s Penance could become a vital base in your Black Crusade.

But how could such a feat even be achieved? Today, we’re pleased to offer another glimpse inside Hand of Corruption. Follow the link below or visit our support page to download details on the foul ritual required to drag a world into the darkness of Chaos, taken directly from the enigmatic pages of De Orbis Mysteriis.

De Orbis Mysteriis Ritual (print quality pdf, 9.9 MB) De Orbis Mysteriis Ritual (web quality pdf, 752 KB)

A tome of sinister power

Without giving too much away, Hand of Corruption will see the Heretics recover an ancient tome entitled De Orbis Mysteriis early in the narrative, and it is from this source that the necessary ritual can be learned.

It is bound in rough, hide-like leather that appears to have been harvested from the face of some alien creature—vague features are still visible on the cover. The pages are of weathered vellum-like material. The majority of the writing is in a crabbed script, using inks of varied shades form sepia to jet-black. All of the material seems to be written in the same handwriting, but spacing varies between sections. The book is written in a number of different languages, including High and Low Gothic, but also Chaos Marks, Xenos Markings, and even Techna-Lingua. A number of pages have obviously been removed, some have been damaged, and in many places marginal notes have been added in a variety of different handwritings and languages. 

Those who peruse the book (by passing the applicable skill checks) will quickly discover that the author was a genius, a lunatic, or some combination of the two. The ritual requires a number of exact components, each integral to success, and only after they’ve all been gathered (no small undertaking) will the Heretics be prepared to begin. Will you have the skill and fortitude to earn the favour of the Ruinous Powers?

Check back for more on Hand of Corruption in the coming weeks, and prepare to summon it to your Black Crusade campaign early in the first quarter of 2012!

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Game Master's Kit - Core Download Available

Honour the Ruinous Powers

Guide your players down the path of Chaos. The Game Master's Kit for Black Crusade is now available for sale via download at drivethrurpg.com and rpgnow.com! This helpful resource features a pdf version of the Game Master's screen, displaying stunning Black Crusade art on one side and a wealth of useful quick references on the other. In addition, The Game Master's Kit includes a 32-page full colour booklet with a complete adventure, a selection of useful NPCs, expanded rules for running Black Crusade adventures, and advice for how to run an extended campaign.On a warp-ravaged worldChallenge your players with the included adventure, which takes a group of Heretics to the shattered ruins of an infamous pirate empire. Once there, they'll find a harsh reminder that the Screaming Vortex teems with other servants of Chaos, and in each one burns the same bloody determination to earn glory by any means necessary. While on a hunt for a cultural relic of great influence that was lost in the wrec...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on December 13th, 2011

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Published 13 December 2011 | Black Crusade

Honour the Ruinous Powers

The Black Crusade Game Master's Kit is on sale via download

“Make war upon the Imperium of Man? What is it you think the Legions have been doing for the last ten thousand years? War does not end with a single victory or a single planet. It is an eternal creature that outlives men and their tiny triumphs."      –Arzyn the Silencebringer, warrior of the World Eaters

Guide your players down the path of Chaos. The Game Master’s Kit for Black Crusade is now available for sale via download at drivethrurpg.com and rpgnow.com! This helpful resource features a pdf version of the Game Master’s screen, displaying stunning Black Crusade art on one side and a wealth of useful quick references on the other. In addition, The Game Master’s Kit includes a 32-page full colour booklet with a complete adventure, a selection of useful NPCs, expanded rules for running Black Crusade adventures, and advice for how to run an extended campaign.

On a warp-ravaged world

Challenge your players with the included adventure, which takes a group of Heretics to the shattered ruins of an infamous pirate empire. Once there, they’ll find a harsh reminder that the Screaming Vortex teems with other servants of Chaos, and in each one burns the same bloody determination to earn glory by any means necessary. While on a hunt for a cultural relic of great influence that was lost in the wreck of a mercenary transport ship, the Heretics will begin a race for power against ruthless competition.

But rival fortune-seekers may not be the greatest threat they face; their prize is on the brutal world of Sacgrave, a warp-ravaged planet that’s home to marauding gangs, horrific mutants, and worse. Gather clues, coerce the local populace, and deal with the planet’s fickle overseer, and you’ll earn the favour of your dark masters.

Glory and power await those willing to learn forbidden knowledge. Head to drivethrurpg.com or rpgnow.com to download your copy today!

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Hand of Corruption - Adventure Preview

Ruinous Rituals

To call forth the wraiths of flame and shadow, blood and darkness, the disciples must swear a compact; must act as one, their minds turned to one purpose. Let them swear their service in blood, not their own, but of the innocent, the righteous, and the unspoilt.       -- from De Orbis MysteriisBack in October, we announcedHand of Corruption, a full adventure in three acts for Black Crusade. Presented in one comprehensive volume, Hand of Corruption is an epic story that takes you and your fellow Heretics from the swirling depths of the Screaming Vortex to the far reaches of the Calixis Sector, and then to a parched and windswept Imperial penal world called Saint Annard's Penance. There, you'll attempt to perform an unholy ritual to drag the planet into the Screaming Vortex, an offering to the Ruinous Powers!In our most recent preview, we looked at the planet of Saint Annard's Penance, a bleak and desolate Imperial world that serves as both an important penal facility and a strategic...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on December 13th, 2011

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Published 13 December 2011 | Black Crusade

Ruinous Rituals

A preview of Hand of Corruption, the upcoming adventure for Black Crusade

To call forth the wraiths of flame and shadow, blood and darkness, the disciples must swear a compact; must act as one, their minds turned to one purpose. Let them swear their service in blood, not their own, but of the innocent, the righteous, and the unspoilt.       – from De Orbis Mysteriis

Back in October, we announced Hand of Corruption, a full adventure in three acts for Black Crusade. Presented in one comprehensive volume, Hand of Corruption is an epic story that takes you and your fellow Heretics from the swirling depths of the Screaming Vortex to the far reaches of the Calixis Sector, and then to a parched and windswept Imperial penal world called Saint Annard’s Penance. There, you’ll attempt to perform an unholy ritual to drag the planet into the Screaming Vortex, an offering to the Ruinous Powers!

In our most recent preview, we looked at the planet of Saint Annard’s Penance, a bleak and desolate Imperial world that serves as both an important penal facility and a strategically placed industrial hub. We also saw how, if stolen away into the Screaming Vortex, Saint Annard’s Penance could become a vital base in your Black Crusade.

But how could such a feat even be achieved? Today, we’re pleased to offer another glimpse inside Hand of Corruption. Follow the link below or visit our support page to download details on the foul ritual required to drag a world into the darkness of Chaos, taken directly from the enigmatic pages of De Orbis Mysteriis.

De Orbis Mysteriis Ritual (print quality pdf, 9.9 MB) De Orbis Mysteriis Ritual (web quality pdf, 752 KB)

A tome of sinister power

Without giving too much away, Hand of Corruption will see the Heretics recover an ancient tome entitled De Orbis Mysteriis early in the narrative, and it is from this source that the necessary ritual can be learned.

It is bound in rough, hide-like leather that appears to have been harvested from the face of some alien creature—vague features are still visible on the cover. The pages are of weathered vellum-like material. The majority of the writing is in a crabbed script, using inks of varied shades form sepia to jet-black. All of the material seems to be written in the same handwriting, but spacing varies between sections. The book is written in a number of different languages, including High and Low Gothic, but also Chaos Marks, Xenos Markings, and even Techna-Lingua. A number of pages have obviously been removed, some have been damaged, and in many places marginal notes have been added in a variety of different handwritings and languages. 

Those who peruse the book (by passing the applicable skill checks) will quickly discover that the author was a genius, a lunatic, or some combination of the two. The ritual requires a number of exact components, each integral to success, and only after they’ve all been gathered (no small undertaking) will the Heretics be prepared to begin. Will you have the skill and fortitude to earn the favour of the Ruinous Powers?

Check back for more on Hand of Corruption in the coming weeks, and prepare to summon it to your Black Crusade campaign early in the first quarter of 2012!

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The Jericho Reach - Supplement Preview

A Most Cunning Foe

Last month, we announced the upcoming release of The Jericho Reach, a supplement for Deathwatch that provides in-depth information on the struggles of Kill-teams currently operating throughout the Reach. Each chapter delves into detail on the personalities, planets, and themes of a specific salient, while providing players and Game Masters alike with important resources for integrating the setting more deeply into their campaigns.In our last preview, we looked at the Acheros Salient, where the Battle-Brothers of the Deathwatch wage a bloody war against the Chaos-worshipping forces of Stigmartus. Today, we'll turn our attention to the Canis Salient and the Deathwatch's struggle against the Tau. We'll also get an early look at one of the most strategically important Imperial worlds in the Salient, Wrath.Enemies on all sidesThe territory covered by the Canis Salient includes dozens of worlds stretching from the edge of the Iron Collar to the Black Reef, with most of those worlds having be...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on December 12th, 2011

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Published 12 December 2011 | Deathwatch

A Most Cunning Foe

A preview of The Jericho Reach, an upcoming Deathwatch supplement

“Every one of these worlds belongs to Him-on-Terra already; they merely require His servants to enforce that dominion over them. Any soul who claims otherwise is a coward and a traitor, worthless to the Imperium except as an example to others whose belief may falter.”       –Excerpt from Volume IV of Lord Militant Achilus’ memoirs

Last month, we announced the upcoming release of The Jericho Reach, a supplement for Deathwatch that provides in-depth information on the struggles of Kill-teams currently operating throughout the Reach. Each chapter delves into detail on the personalities, planets, and themes of a specific salient, while providing players and Game Masters alike with important resources for integrating the setting more deeply into their campaigns.

In our last preview, we looked at the Acheros Salient, where the Battle-Brothers of the Deathwatch wage a bloody war against the Chaos-worshipping forces of Stigmartus. Today, we’ll turn our attention to the Canis Salient and the Deathwatch’s struggle against the Tau. We’ll also get an early look at one of the most strategically important Imperial worlds in the Salient, Wrath.

Enemies on all sides

The territory covered by the Canis Salient includes dozens of worlds stretching from the edge of the Iron Collar to the Black Reef, with most of those worlds having been claimed in the earliest years of the Achilus Crusade. These territories, long established under Imperial rule in all but a few cases, are still far from stable and prosperous parts of the Emperor’s domain due to the sedition and unrest spread by the Achilus Crusade’s oldest enemy, the Tau Empire.

Now the Tyranid menace, which has so swiftly undone decades of triumphant conquest within the Orpheus Salient, presses upon worlds at the edge of the Canis Salient, threatening Imperial and Tau forces alike.

While some will give no quarter and show no mercy to the Tau even in the face of the Great Devourer, others have begun to feel that standing side-by-side with the Tau against the Tyranid menace may be the only way for the Achilus Crusade to survive. Such a heretical course of action has caused no end of controversy, and the Salient’s Lord Commander Ebongrave has begun a paranoia-fueled (and resource-draining) witch hunt to track down anyone subscribing to these beliefs.

But although the Tau menace is generally contained to the Greyhell Front, the planets of the Canis Salient still face threats from all sides. Instrumental in defending Imperial interests in the Salient, Wrath boasts a massive surveillance network capable of keeping tabs of dozens of worlds. Download our three-page excerpt (pdf, 1.2 MB) to learn more, and look for The Jericho Reach on store shelves in the first quarter of 2012!

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The Jericho Reach - Supplement Preview

A Most Cunning Foe

Last month, we announced the upcoming release of The Jericho Reach, a supplement for Deathwatch that provides in-depth information on the struggles of Kill-teams currently operating throughout the Reach. Each chapter delves into detail on the personalities, planets, and themes of a specific salient, while providing players and Game Masters alike with important resources for integrating the setting more deeply into their campaigns.In our last preview, we looked at the Acheros Salient, where the Battle-Brothers of the Deathwatch wage a bloody war against the Chaos-worshipping forces of Stigmartus. Today, we'll turn our attention to the Canis Salient and the Deathwatch's struggle against the Tau. We'll also get an early look at one of the most strategically important Imperial worlds in the Salient, Wrath.Enemies on all sidesThe territory covered by the Canis Salient includes dozens of worlds stretching from the edge of the Iron Collar to the Black Reef, with most of those worlds having be...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on December 12th, 2011

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Published 12 December 2011 | Deathwatch

A Most Cunning Foe

A preview of The Jericho Reach, an upcoming Deathwatch supplement

“Every one of these worlds belongs to Him-on-Terra already; they merely require His servants to enforce that dominion over them. Any soul who claims otherwise is a coward and a traitor, worthless to the Imperium except as an example to others whose belief may falter.”       –Excerpt from Volume IV of Lord Militant Achilus’ memoirs

Last month, we announced the upcoming release of The Jericho Reach, a supplement for Deathwatch that provides in-depth information on the struggles of Kill-teams currently operating throughout the Reach. Each chapter delves into detail on the personalities, planets, and themes of a specific salient, while providing players and Game Masters alike with important resources for integrating the setting more deeply into their campaigns.

In our last preview, we looked at the Acheros Salient, where the Battle-Brothers of the Deathwatch wage a bloody war against the Chaos-worshipping forces of Stigmartus. Today, we’ll turn our attention to the Canis Salient and the Deathwatch’s struggle against the Tau. We’ll also get an early look at one of the most strategically important Imperial worlds in the Salient, Wrath.

Enemies on all sides

The territory covered by the Canis Salient includes dozens of worlds stretching from the edge of the Iron Collar to the Black Reef, with most of those worlds having been claimed in the earliest years of the Achilus Crusade. These territories, long established under Imperial rule in all but a few cases, are still far from stable and prosperous parts of the Emperor’s domain due to the sedition and unrest spread by the Achilus Crusade’s oldest enemy, the Tau Empire.

Now the Tyranid menace, which has so swiftly undone decades of triumphant conquest within the Orpheus Salient, presses upon worlds at the edge of the Canis Salient, threatening Imperial and Tau forces alike.

While some will give no quarter and show no mercy to the Tau even in the face of the Great Devourer, others have begun to feel that standing side-by-side with the Tau against the Tyranid menace may be the only way for the Achilus Crusade to survive. Such a heretical course of action has caused no end of controversy, and the Salient’s Lord Commander Ebongrave has begun a paranoia-fueled (and resource-draining) witch hunt to track down anyone subscribing to these beliefs.

But although the Tau menace is generally contained to the Greyhell Front, the planets of the Canis Salient still face threats from all sides. Instrumental in defending Imperial interests in the Salient, Wrath boasts a massive surveillance network capable of keeping tabs of dozens of worlds. Download our three-page excerpt (pdf, 1.2 MB) to learn more, and look for The Jericho Reach on store shelves in the first quarter of 2012!

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The Jericho Reach - Supplement Preview

A Most Cunning Foe

A preview of The Jericho Reach, an upcoming Deathwatch supplement “Every one of these worlds belongs to Him-on-Terra already; they merely require His servants to enforce that dominion over them. Any soul who claims otherwise is a coward and a traitor, worthless to the Imperium except as an example to others whose belief...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on December 12th, 2011

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“Every one of these worlds belongs to Him-on-Terra already; they merely require His servants to enforce that dominion over them. Any soul who claims otherwise is a coward and a traitor, worthless to the Imperium except as an example to others whose belief may falter.”
      –Excerpt from Volume IV of Lord Militant Achilus’ memoirs

Last month, we announced the upcoming release of The Jericho Reach, a supplement for Deathwatch that provides in-depth information on the struggles of Kill-teams currently operating throughout the Reach. Each chapter delves into detail on the personalities, planets, and themes of a specific salient, while providing players and Game Masters alike with important resources for integrating the setting more deeply into their campaigns.

In our last preview, we looked at the Acheros Salient, where the Battle-Brothers of the Deathwatch wage a bloody war against the Chaos-worshipping forces of Stigmartus. Today, we’ll turn our attention to the Canis Salient and the Deathwatch’s struggle against the Tau. We’ll also get an early look at one of the most strategically important Imperial worlds in the Salient, Wrath.

Enemies on all sides

The territory covered by the Canis Salient includes dozens of worlds stretching from the edge of the Iron Collar to the Black Reef, with most of those worlds having been claimed in the earliest years of the Achilus Crusade. These territories, long established under Imperial rule in all but a few cases, are still far from stable and prosperous parts of the Emperor’s domain due to the sedition and unrest spread by the Achilus Crusade’s oldest enemy, the Tau Empire.

Now the Tyranid menace, which has so swiftly undone decades of triumphant conquest within the Orpheus Salient, presses upon worlds at the edge of the Canis Salient, threatening Imperial and Tau forces alike.

While some will give no quarter and show no mercy to the Tau even in the face of the Great Devourer, others have begun to feel that standing side-by-side with the Tau against the Tyranid menace may be the only way for the Achilus Crusade to survive. Such a heretical course of action has caused no end of controversy, and the Salient’s Lord Commander Ebongrave has begun a paranoia-fueled (and resource-draining) witch hunt to track down anyone subscribing to these beliefs.

But although the Tau menace is generally contained to the Greyhell Front, the planets of the Canis Salient still face threats from all sides. Instrumental in defending Imperial interests in the Salient, Wrath boasts a massive surveillance network capable of keeping tabs of dozens of worlds. Download our three-page excerpt (pdf, 1.2 MB) to learn more, and look for The Jericho Reach on store shelves in the first quarter of 2012!

Deathwatch is a roleplaying game in which players take on the roles of the bio-engineered super-soldiers known as Space Marines. United with their battle-brothers, players will complete extraordinary missions involving some of the greatest heroes and deadliest opponents the Warhammer 40,000 universe has to offer.


Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates - Adventure Now Available

Three Tomes of Sinister Power

The Haarlock's Legacy Trilogy, a bundled set of three previously released Dark Heresy adventures, is now on sale at your local retailer! Featuring Tattered Fates, Damned Cities, and Dead Stars in their originally published editions and bound together by an attractive slipcover, The Haarlock's Legacy Trilogy provides newcomers to the campaign with a convenient and affordable entry point.A dark dynastyBuilt upon a foundation of enigmatic legends, alien artefacts, and pacts with dark forces, the Rogue Trader dynasty of Erasmus Haarlock has left its mark across the breadth of the Calixis Sector. The affairs of the Haarlock's Legacy have lurked in the shadows upon many worlds, from the pleasure planet of Quaddis to the crime-infested slums of Sinophia, to the haunted depths of the ice planet Mara and beyond into even darker realms.These three tomes unveil the sinister plans of Erasmus Haarlock, from the beginning of his revenge to his schemes to someday return from his dark voyage. As the H...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on December 9th, 2011

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Published 9 December 2011 | Dark Heresy

Three Tomes of Sinister Power

The Haarlock's Legacy Trilogy, a campaign for Dark Heresy, is at your local retailer

“And now the veil rent and the key turned, Of bloody gyre flowing wide and lamented stars murdered cold, What rough beast, its hour come round at last, draws near to be born…”       –Attributed to The lost apocrypha of Yyat Darktongue

The Haarlock’s Legacy Trilogy, a bundled set of three previously released Dark Heresy adventures, is now on sale at your local retailer! Featuring Tattered Fates, Damned Cities, and Dead Stars in their originally published editions and bound together by an attractive slipcover, The Haarlock’s Legacy Trilogy provides newcomers to the campaign with a convenient and affordable entry point.

A dark dynasty

Built upon a foundation of enigmatic legends, alien artefacts, and pacts with dark forces, the Rogue Trader dynasty of Erasmus Haarlock has left its mark across the breadth of the Calixis Sector. The affairs of the Haarlock’s Legacy have lurked in the shadows upon many worlds, from the pleasure planet of Quaddis to the crime-infested slums of Sinophia, to the haunted depths of the ice planet Mara and beyond into even darker realms.

These three tomes unveil the sinister plans of Erasmus Haarlock, from the beginning of his revenge to his schemes to someday return from his dark voyage. As the Haarlock’s Legacy unfolds, the Acolytes of the Inquisition are uniquely placed to make a fateful choice; to change the future or forever condemn it to damnation.

Decide the fate of the sector

Tattered Fates, the first segment of The Haarlock’s Legacy Trilogy, puts the fate of the pleasure planet Quaddis into your and your fellow Acolytes’ hands. Begin your adventure in media res, immediately overcoming danger. Then continue on to fight for your survival within the Undercity of the Red Cages, the Great City of Xicarph, and during the Festival of Tattered Fate.

Then, in Damned Cities, you must navigate the dangerous depths of the rancid city, uncover a conspiracy, and keep the overwhelming bitterness of its inhabitants from tearing the city apart before it is too late. In Sinophia Magna nothing is as it seems; will you be willing to risk everything for the truth?

Finally, Dead Stars brings the trilogy to its gripping conclusion. Old enemies and allies will join the struggle on both sides, and the dread secrets of Erasmus Haarlock will finally be revealed. Can you make a dire decision that will affect the future of millions of Imperial citizens? You must stand in the way of Haarlock’s return, or allow the consequences of his vengeance.

Prepare yourself for awesome power and a fraught investigation, mixed with the cold caress of death. Head to your local retailer to pick up The Haarlock’s Legacy Trilogy today!

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Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates - Adventure Now Available

Three Tomes of Sinister Power

The Haarlock's Legacy Trilogy, a campaign for Dark Heresy, is at your local retailer “And now the veil rent and the key turned, Of bloody gyre flowing wide and lamented stars murdered cold, What rough beast, its hour come round at last, draws near to be born…”       –Attributed to The lost apocrypha...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on December 9th, 2011

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“And now the veil rent and the key turned, Of bloody gyre flowing wide and lamented stars murdered cold, What rough beast, its hour come round at last, draws near to be born…”
      –Attributed to The lost apocrypha of Yyat Darktongue

The Haarlock’s Legacy Trilogy, a bundled set of three previously released Dark Heresy adventures, is now on sale at your local retailer! Featuring Tattered Fates, Damned Cities, and Dead Stars in their originally published editions and bound together by an attractive slipcover, The Haarlock’s Legacy Trilogy provides newcomers to the campaign with a convenient and affordable entry point.

A dark dynasty

Built upon a foundation of enigmatic legends, alien artefacts, and pacts with dark forces, the Rogue Trader dynasty of Erasmus Haarlock has left its mark across the breadth of the Calixis Sector. The affairs of the Haarlock’s Legacy have lurked in the shadows upon many worlds, from the pleasure planet of Quaddis to the crime-infested slums of Sinophia, to the haunted depths of the ice planet Mara and beyond into even darker realms.

These three tomes unveil the sinister plans of Erasmus Haarlock, from the beginning of his revenge to his schemes to someday return from his dark voyage. As the Haarlock’s Legacy unfolds, the Acolytes of the Inquisition are uniquely placed to make a fateful choice; to change the future or forever condemn it to damnation.

Decide the fate of the sector

Tattered Fates, the first segment of The Haarlock’s Legacy Trilogy, puts the fate of the pleasure planet Quaddis into your and your fellow Acolytes’ hands. Begin your adventure in media res, immediately overcoming danger. Then continue on to fight for your survival within the Undercity of the Red Cages, the Great City of Xicarph, and during the Festival of Tattered Fate.

Then, in Damned Cities, you must navigate the dangerous depths of the rancid city, uncover a conspiracy, and keep the overwhelming bitterness of its inhabitants from tearing the city apart before it is too late. In Sinophia Magna nothing is as it seems; will you be willing to risk everything for the truth?

Finally, Dead Stars brings the trilogy to its gripping conclusion. Old enemies and allies will join the struggle on both sides, and the dread secrets of Erasmus Haarlock will finally be revealed. Can you make a dire decision that will affect the future of millions of Imperial citizens? You must stand in the way of Haarlock’s return, or allow the consequences of his vengeance.

Prepare yourself for awesome power and a fraught investigation, mixed with the cold caress of death. Head to your local retailer to pick up The Haarlock’s Legacy Trilogy today!

Dark Heresy is a roleplaying game set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, a setting in the grim darkness of the far future. Players take on the roles of Acolytes serving the Inquisition, rooting out heresy and corruption from within the galaxy-spanning Imperium of Man.


Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates - Adventure Now Available

Three Tomes of Sinister Power

The Haarlock's Legacy Trilogy, a bundled set of three previously released Dark Heresy adventures, is now on sale at your local retailer! Featuring Tattered Fates, Damned Cities, and Dead Stars in their originally published editions and bound together by an attractive slipcover, The Haarlock's Legacy Trilogy provides newcomers to the campaign with a convenient and affordable entry point.A dark dynastyBuilt upon a foundation of enigmatic legends, alien artefacts, and pacts with dark forces, the Rogue Trader dynasty of Erasmus Haarlock has left its mark across the breadth of the Calixis Sector. The affairs of the Haarlock's Legacy have lurked in the shadows upon many worlds, from the pleasure planet of Quaddis to the crime-infested slums of Sinophia, to the haunted depths of the ice planet Mara and beyond into even darker realms.These three tomes unveil the sinister plans of Erasmus Haarlock, from the beginning of his revenge to his schemes to someday return from his dark voyage. As the H...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on December 9th, 2011

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Published 9 December 2011 | Dark Heresy

Three Tomes of Sinister Power

The Haarlock's Legacy Trilogy, a campaign for Dark Heresy, is at your local retailer

“And now the veil rent and the key turned, Of bloody gyre flowing wide and lamented stars murdered cold, What rough beast, its hour come round at last, draws near to be born…”       –Attributed to The lost apocrypha of Yyat Darktongue

The Haarlock’s Legacy Trilogy, a bundled set of three previously released Dark Heresy adventures, is now on sale at your local retailer! Featuring Tattered Fates, Damned Cities, and Dead Stars in their originally published editions and bound together by an attractive slipcover, The Haarlock’s Legacy Trilogy provides newcomers to the campaign with a convenient and affordable entry point.

A dark dynasty

Built upon a foundation of enigmatic legends, alien artefacts, and pacts with dark forces, the Rogue Trader dynasty of Erasmus Haarlock has left its mark across the breadth of the Calixis Sector. The affairs of the Haarlock’s Legacy have lurked in the shadows upon many worlds, from the pleasure planet of Quaddis to the crime-infested slums of Sinophia, to the haunted depths of the ice planet Mara and beyond into even darker realms.

These three tomes unveil the sinister plans of Erasmus Haarlock, from the beginning of his revenge to his schemes to someday return from his dark voyage. As the Haarlock’s Legacy unfolds, the Acolytes of the Inquisition are uniquely placed to make a fateful choice; to change the future or forever condemn it to damnation.

Decide the fate of the sector

Tattered Fates, the first segment of The Haarlock’s Legacy Trilogy, puts the fate of the pleasure planet Quaddis into your and your fellow Acolytes’ hands. Begin your adventure in media res, immediately overcoming danger. Then continue on to fight for your survival within the Undercity of the Red Cages, the Great City of Xicarph, and during the Festival of Tattered Fate.

Then, in Damned Cities, you must navigate the dangerous depths of the rancid city, uncover a conspiracy, and keep the overwhelming bitterness of its inhabitants from tearing the city apart before it is too late. In Sinophia Magna nothing is as it seems; will you be willing to risk everything for the truth?

Finally, Dead Stars brings the trilogy to its gripping conclusion. Old enemies and allies will join the struggle on both sides, and the dread secrets of Erasmus Haarlock will finally be revealed. Can you make a dire decision that will affect the future of millions of Imperial citizens? You must stand in the way of Haarlock’s return, or allow the consequences of his vengeance.

Prepare yourself for awesome power and a fraught investigation, mixed with the cold caress of death. Head to your local retailer to pick up The Haarlock’s Legacy Trilogy today!

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First Founding - Supplement Announcement

Standing Apart

Announcing the finalists and winner of the 2011 Deathwatch adventure contest Back in October, we announced the 2011 Deathwatch Adventure Contest, a chance to share your campaign creations while competing to win a signed copy of First Founding. To present the results, here’s a word from Deathwatch’s...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on December 8th, 2011

Read more right here | Read more on fantasyflightgames.com

Back in October, we announced the 2011 Deathwatch Adventure Contest, a chance to share your campaign creations while competing to win a signed copy of First Founding. To present the results, here’s a word from Deathwatch’s lead developer:

Greetings, Deathwatch Fans!

This week, I am pleased to present to you the winners for the 2011 Deathwatch Adventure Competition. We received a number of unique and outstanding entries this year, and our judges had a hard time selecting just three finalists to post to the website. But of these three extraordinary adventures, just one stood out as our winner. Thank you to everyone who submitted to the contest; every year we look forward to seeing your creativity and enthusiasm for the Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay game lines.


Deception (pdf, 200 KB)
by: Klaus Huthmacher

This mission throws the Space Marines right into an elaborate deception authorized by a radical Inquisitor. The whole mission seems like an ordinary incident involving Tyranids, but it becomes anything but ordinary when an overly ambitious Watch Captain from the Ultramarines becomes involved. In truth, the Watch Captain is carefully chosen by the radical Inquisitor, and the mission is a huge distraction to cover the Inquisitor’s true actions. 

Deception features a daring mission in which the Kill-team performs a raid on a heretical Magos Biologis. The Judges liked how open the adventure was to letting the players choose their own path, and the deceptive twist at the end.

Righteous Fury (pdf, 832 KB)
by: Chris G. Dawson

Assailed on both sides by the insidious xenos forces of the Tau and the Tyranids, and ravaged on all fronts by the Forces of Chaos, the Jericho Reach is a region of constant war. Now an age-old menace is growing again; the Orks are massing in the Slinnar Drift, preparing for a Waaagh! 

Righteous Fury is an action-packed adventure that sees the Kill-team venturing deep into the heart of an Ork Waaagh! to take down a powerful Ork war machine. The Judges enjoyed the climactic final battle, as well as the comprehensive backstory for Watch-Captain Vavus.

And finally, the winner:

The Emptied Coffin (pdf, 196 KB)
by: Dan Shook

The Emptied Coffin takes place primarily on the far away and mysterious world of Jove's Descent. The events are centered around a series of occurrences, starting with a chamber of the enigmatic Omega Vault opening and drawing the Kill-team to the wasted ruins of the Ghanathaar to uncover the forces that originally wiped the race of xenos out, and to stop a similar fate from befalling the Imperial forces of the Achilus Crusade. The mission is complicated by a series of mishaps that initially seem coincidental, but later betray the inhuman intellect that is the driving force behind a burgeoning apocalypse.

The Emptied Coffin is a complex adventure featuring many different adversaries as the Kill-team attempts to follow a mysterious clue unveiled by the Omega Vault. The judges really liked the adventure’s unique take on one of the lesser known xenos races of the Reach, as well as the Watch-Captain integration within the overall plot.

Make sure to stop by the support section of the Deathwatch website to download these adventures, if you haven’t already. Thanks again to everyone who participated, and congratulations to the finalists!

Please note that all fan created content, set in the world and universe of Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000, and hosted on the FFG website is subject to Game’s Workshop’s Submission policy. Please read this in relation to this material.

Games Workshop's Terms of Use

This content is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.

Rogue Trader, Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay, Adeptus Astartes, Blood Angels, Bloodquest, Cadian, Catachan, the Chaos devices, Cityfight, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, Codex, Daemonhunters, Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, 'Eavy Metal, Eldar, Eldar symbol devices, Eye of Terror, Fire Warrior, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Genestealer, Golden Demon, Gorkamorka, Great Unclean One, Inquisitor, the Inquisitor logo, the Inquisitor device, Inquisitor:Conspiracies, Keeper of Secrets, Khorne, Kroot, Lord of Change, Necron, Nurgle, Ork, Ork skull devices, Sisters of Battle, Slaanesh, Space Hulk, Space Marine, Space Marine chapters, Space Marine chapter logos, Tau, the Tau caste designations, Tyranid, Tyrannid, Tzeentch, Ultramarines, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k Device, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either ®, TM and/or © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2010, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

Deathwatch is a roleplaying game in which players take on the roles of the bio-engineered super-soldiers known as Space Marines. United with their battle-brothers, players will complete extraordinary missions involving some of the greatest heroes and deadliest opponents the Warhammer 40,000 universe has to offer.


First Founding - Supplement Preview

Standing Apart

Back in October, we announced the 2011 Deathwatch Adventure Contest, a chance to share your campaign creations while competing to win a signed copy of First Founding. To present the results, here's a word from Deathwatch's lead developer:Greetings, Deathwatch Fans!This week, I am pleased to present to you the winners for the 2011 Deathwatch Adventure Competition. We received a number of unique and outstanding entries this year, and our judges had a hard time selecting just three finalists to post to the website. But of these three extraordinary adventures, just one stood out as our winner. Thank you to everyone who submitted to the contest; every year we look forward to seeing your creativity and enthusiasm for the Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay game lines.Runners-Up:• Deception (pdf, 200 KB) by: Klaus HuthmacherThis mission throws the Space Marines right into an elaborate deception authorized by a radical Inquisitor. The whole mission seems like an ordinary incident involving Tyranids, but...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on December 8th, 2011

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Published 8 December 2011 | Deathwatch

Standing Apart

Announcing the finalists and winner of the 2011 Deathwatch adventure contest

Back in October, we announced the 2011 Deathwatch Adventure Contest, a chance to share your campaign creations while competing to win a signed copy of First Founding. To present the results, here’s a word from Deathwatch’s lead developer:

Greetings, Deathwatch Fans!

This week, I am pleased to present to you the winners for the 2011 Deathwatch Adventure Competition. We received a number of unique and outstanding entries this year, and our judges had a hard time selecting just three finalists to post to the website. But of these three extraordinary adventures, just one stood out as our winner. Thank you to everyone who submitted to the contest; every year we look forward to seeing your creativity and enthusiasm for the Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay game lines.


Deception (pdf, 200 KB) by: Klaus Huthmacher

This mission throws the Space Marines right into an elaborate deception authorized by a radical Inquisitor. The whole mission seems like an ordinary incident involving Tyranids, but it becomes anything but ordinary when an overly ambitious Watch Captain from the Ultramarines becomes involved. In truth, the Watch Captain is carefully chosen by the radical Inquisitor, and the mission is a huge distraction to cover the Inquisitor’s true actions. 

Deception features a daring mission in which the Kill-team performs a raid on a heretical Magos Biologis. The Judges liked how open the adventure was to letting the players choose their own path, and the deceptive twist at the end.

Righteous Fury (pdf, 832 KB) by: Chris G. Dawson

Assailed on both sides by the insidious xenos forces of the Tau and the Tyranids, and ravaged on all fronts by the Forces of Chaos, the Jericho Reach is a region of constant war. Now an age-old menace is growing again; the Orks are massing in the Slinnar Drift, preparing for a Waaagh! 

Righteous Fury is an action-packed adventure that sees the Kill-team venturing deep into the heart of an Ork Waaagh! to take down a powerful Ork war machine. The Judges enjoyed the climactic final battle, as well as the comprehensive backstory for Watch-Captain Vavus.

And finally, the winner:

The Emptied Coffin (pdf, 196 KB) by: Dan Shook

The Emptied Coffin takes place primarily on the far away and mysterious world of Jove's Descent. The events are centered around a series of occurrences, starting with a chamber of the enigmatic Omega Vault opening and drawing the Kill-team to the wasted ruins of the Ghanathaar to uncover the forces that originally wiped the race of xenos out, and to stop a similar fate from befalling the Imperial forces of the Achilus Crusade. The mission is complicated by a series of mishaps that initially seem coincidental, but later betray the inhuman intellect that is the driving force behind a burgeoning apocalypse.

The Emptied Coffin is a complex adventure featuring many different adversaries as the Kill-team attempts to follow a mysterious clue unveiled by the Omega Vault. The judges really liked the adventure’s unique take on one of the lesser known xenos races of the Reach, as well as the Watch-Captain integration within the overall plot.

Make sure to stop by the support section of the Deathwatch website to download these adventures, if you haven’t already. Thanks again to everyone who participated, and congratulations to the finalists!

Please note that all fan created content, set in the world and universe of Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000, and hosted on the FFG website is subject to Game’s Workshop’s Submission policy. Please read this in relation to this material.

Games Workshop's Terms of Use

This content is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.

Rogue Trader, Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay, Adeptus Astartes, Blood Angels, Bloodquest, Cadian, Catachan, the Chaos devices, Cityfight, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, Codex, Daemonhunters, Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, 'Eavy Metal, Eldar, Eldar symbol devices, Eye of Terror, Fire Warrior, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Genestealer, Golden Demon, Gorkamorka, Great Unclean One, Inquisitor, the Inquisitor logo, the Inquisitor device, Inquisitor:Conspiracies, Keeper of Secrets, Khorne, Kroot, Lord of Change, Necron, Nurgle, Ork, Ork skull devices, Sisters of Battle, Slaanesh, Space Hulk, Space Marine, Space Marine chapters, Space Marine chapter logos, Tau, the Tau caste designations, Tyranid, Tyrannid, Tzeentch, Ultramarines, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k Device, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either ®, TM and/or © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2010, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

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First Founding - Supplement Preview

Standing Apart

Back in October, we announced the 2011 Deathwatch Adventure Contest, a chance to share your campaign creations while competing to win a signed copy of First Founding. To present the results, here's a word from Deathwatch's lead developer:Greetings, Deathwatch Fans!This week, I am pleased to present to you the winners for the 2011 Deathwatch Adventure Competition. We received a number of unique and outstanding entries this year, and our judges had a hard time selecting just three finalists to post to the website. But of these three extraordinary adventures, just one stood out as our winner. Thank you to everyone who submitted to the contest; every year we look forward to seeing your creativity and enthusiasm for the Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay game lines.Runners-Up:• Deception (pdf, 200 KB) by: Klaus HuthmacherThis mission throws the Space Marines right into an elaborate deception authorized by a radical Inquisitor. The whole mission seems like an ordinary incident involving Tyranids, but...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on December 8th, 2011

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Published 8 December 2011 | Deathwatch

Standing Apart

Announcing the finalists and winner of the 2011 Deathwatch adventure contest

Back in October, we announced the 2011 Deathwatch Adventure Contest, a chance to share your campaign creations while competing to win a signed copy of First Founding. To present the results, here’s a word from Deathwatch’s lead developer:

Greetings, Deathwatch Fans!

This week, I am pleased to present to you the winners for the 2011 Deathwatch Adventure Competition. We received a number of unique and outstanding entries this year, and our judges had a hard time selecting just three finalists to post to the website. But of these three extraordinary adventures, just one stood out as our winner. Thank you to everyone who submitted to the contest; every year we look forward to seeing your creativity and enthusiasm for the Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay game lines.


Deception (pdf, 200 KB) by: Klaus Huthmacher

This mission throws the Space Marines right into an elaborate deception authorized by a radical Inquisitor. The whole mission seems like an ordinary incident involving Tyranids, but it becomes anything but ordinary when an overly ambitious Watch Captain from the Ultramarines becomes involved. In truth, the Watch Captain is carefully chosen by the radical Inquisitor, and the mission is a huge distraction to cover the Inquisitor’s true actions. 

Deception features a daring mission in which the Kill-team performs a raid on a heretical Magos Biologis. The Judges liked how open the adventure was to letting the players choose their own path, and the deceptive twist at the end.

Righteous Fury (pdf, 832 KB) by: Chris G. Dawson

Assailed on both sides by the insidious xenos forces of the Tau and the Tyranids, and ravaged on all fronts by the Forces of Chaos, the Jericho Reach is a region of constant war. Now an age-old menace is growing again; the Orks are massing in the Slinnar Drift, preparing for a Waaagh! 

Righteous Fury is an action-packed adventure that sees the Kill-team venturing deep into the heart of an Ork Waaagh! to take down a powerful Ork war machine. The Judges enjoyed the climactic final battle, as well as the comprehensive backstory for Watch-Captain Vavus.

And finally, the winner:

The Emptied Coffin (pdf, 196 KB) by: Dan Shook

The Emptied Coffin takes place primarily on the far away and mysterious world of Jove's Descent. The events are centered around a series of occurrences, starting with a chamber of the enigmatic Omega Vault opening and drawing the Kill-team to the wasted ruins of the Ghanathaar to uncover the forces that originally wiped the race of xenos out, and to stop a similar fate from befalling the Imperial forces of the Achilus Crusade. The mission is complicated by a series of mishaps that initially seem coincidental, but later betray the inhuman intellect that is the driving force behind a burgeoning apocalypse.

The Emptied Coffin is a complex adventure featuring many different adversaries as the Kill-team attempts to follow a mysterious clue unveiled by the Omega Vault. The judges really liked the adventure’s unique take on one of the lesser known xenos races of the Reach, as well as the Watch-Captain integration within the overall plot.

Make sure to stop by the support section of the Deathwatch website to download these adventures, if you haven’t already. Thanks again to everyone who participated, and congratulations to the finalists!

Please note that all fan created content, set in the world and universe of Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000, and hosted on the FFG website is subject to Game’s Workshop’s Submission policy. Please read this in relation to this material.

Games Workshop's Terms of Use

This content is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.

Rogue Trader, Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay, Adeptus Astartes, Blood Angels, Bloodquest, Cadian, Catachan, the Chaos devices, Cityfight, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, Codex, Daemonhunters, Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, 'Eavy Metal, Eldar, Eldar symbol devices, Eye of Terror, Fire Warrior, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Genestealer, Golden Demon, Gorkamorka, Great Unclean One, Inquisitor, the Inquisitor logo, the Inquisitor device, Inquisitor:Conspiracies, Keeper of Secrets, Khorne, Kroot, Lord of Change, Necron, Nurgle, Ork, Ork skull devices, Sisters of Battle, Slaanesh, Space Hulk, Space Marine, Space Marine chapters, Space Marine chapter logos, Tau, the Tau caste designations, Tyranid, Tyrannid, Tzeentch, Ultramarines, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k Device, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either ®, TM and/or © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2010, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

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First Founding - Supplement Download Available

Download the Legacy

First Founding, a Deathwatch supplement, is on sale via download

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on December 5th, 2011

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“Only when by the power of our hate we have truly shed the prison of our flesh, shall we be judged worthy to stand at the side of the returned Primarch. Every foe I slay, every stone I cast down, makes my hatred purer, and the day Ferrus Manus is restored to us a day closer.
     –Iron Father Klaanu Johar

First Founding, a supplement for Deathwatch, is on sale via download at drivethrurpg.com and rpgnow.com! The First Founding Legions were crafted by the Emperor himself in the image of his twenty Primarchs. They forged the Imperium in bloody combat as they waged the Great Crusade across the galaxy. Many Space Marines fell to the maligned seduction of Chaos during the Horus Heresy, but those that stayed loyal formed the base from which all Space Marine Chapters would be created. Those Chapters that still hold the loyalist Legions’ names and colours are the oldest and the most revered of all the Adeptus Astartes.

First Founding details the nine Chapters directly formed from the loyalist Space Marines Legions, and includes new rules from solo modes to new advances specialities. Of these nine Chapters, First Founding features the final four Chapters not discussed in previous Deathwatch rulebooks. This exciting supplement includes the background of the nine Traitor Legions and their fall to the seduction of the Ruinous Powers. Additionally, for the first time in Deathwatch, First Founding provides new rules for Battle-Brothers to have followers.

A heritage built of honor

For more on First Founding, here’s a word from Deathwatch’s lead developer:

The Battle-Brothers of the Deathwatch owe their heritage to a myriad of diverse chapters from across the Imperium. Of these chapters, none are more revered than those that owe their namesake to the original Space Marine Legions that fought in the Great Crusade. From the wild Space Wolves of Fenris, to the cold and calculating Iron Hands of Medusa, the chapters of the First Founding have a long and glorious legacy.

First Founding is all about those Space Marines who owe their name to the legendary First Founding Legions. It provides rules for playing as Battle-Brothers from the four First Founding Chapters never before detailed in the Deathwatch line: the Iron Hands, the Raven Guard, the Salamanders, and the White Scars. The book also includes new rules for the other five First Founding Chapters, including some all new chapter-specific Advanced Specialties and Chapter Relics.

As we made this book, we worked to explore the relationships between Battle-Brothers of these different chapters. First Founding contains an entire chapter devoted to the experience of joining the Deathwatch, and serving along Space Marines of all different backgrounds for the first time, helping players to get even more personally involved with their character during his service in the long watch.

Finally, First Founding contains a gripping adventure that sees the Kill-team working alongside forces from three different Space Marine chapters. As these chapters’ combat philosophies begin to clash, tensions rise, and it is up to the Kill-team to mediate between the chapters and determine the fate of an entire world.

Read our previews, Iron Hands and Upon the Shoulders of Primarchs, then visit drivethrurpg.com or rpgnow.com to bring First Founding to your Deathwatch campaigns!

Deathwatch is a roleplaying game in which players take on the roles of the bio-engineered super-soldiers known as Space Marines. United with their battle-brothers, players will complete extraordinary missions involving some of the greatest heroes and deadliest opponents the Warhammer 40,000 universe has to offer.


Hostile Acquisitions - Supplement Announcement

Your Nemesis is Waiting

A preview of Hostile Acquisitions, an upcoming Rogue Trader supplement For what purpose were those years spent, Xanthis? Did I not tutor you well in the ways of mankind, in our sacred duty? Why then would you behave this way? So many lives, my Xanthis... So cruel a tale shall I write of your memory. -From the addled...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on November 22nd, 2011

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For what purpose were those years spent, Xanthis? Did I not tutor you well in the ways of mankind, in our sacred duty? Why then would you behave this way? So many lives, my Xanthis... So cruel a tale shall I write of your memory.
-From the addled mutterings of one Ankyra

In August, we announced the upcoming release of Hostile Acquisitions. Many souls live on the fringe of Imperial law, and this supplement for Rogue Trader focuses on those individuals. From pirates to unsanctioned pskyers, the far future is filled with those who prefer to keep the lowest of profiles.

This week we take a closer look at The Nemesis Path, a chapter of the Hostile Acquisitions that gives you the tools for constructing the ultimate Nemesis. While The Nemesis Path is an optional system, it allows you to design a living challenge for Explorers. Imagine having the ability to quickly generate a foil for all your players’ plans, a character who will attempt to stymie your Explorers at every turn and unite them against a common enemy. The Nemesis Path provides exactly that.

A competitor yearns for revenge

This chapter of Hostile Acquisitions guides you through a process similar to the character creation process, yet the end result will be something far more sinister. You choose Origins, Motivations, Devices and Downfalls, Stakes, and Archetypes to build a perfect adversary. Like the Origin Path, the Nemesis Path provides a framework for an adversary that can be fleshed out into a full-fledged antagonist.

Introducing a Nemesis to your campaign works best when Explorers have already developed stories for their characters. When players have spun their own tales, it provides many opportunities for you to work a Nemesis into that background. For example, if one of your player characters is an ex-soldier trying to eke out a new living on the edge of the law, a natural adversary may well be an Enemy in Arms. He could be a former combatant in a long-forgotten conflict motivated by a vendetta and willing to travel untold distances to settle the score.

Old rivalries renewed

Furthermore, The Nemesis Path is complete with additional profiles for you to augment. Perhaps your group has crossed a powerful Eldar Pirate Prince one too many time, and now they find themselves the focus of his attention, or maybe your Explorers have foundthemselves the target of an Inquisitor who would like nothing more than to see them all rot in an Imperial prison. Whatever the case, the example nemeses in Hostile Acquisitions allow you to dive right in and challenge your group for many sessions to come.

Three methods for Nemesis creation are included in the supplement, allowing you maximum flexibility in the the process. If, for instance, you want to create a foe that mirrors the players’ Origin Paths as much as possible, use the Player Centered Method. This option produces a Nemesis tailored to fit the stories of player characters. The GM Centered Method will be more appropriate if you already have an idea you want to flesh out, but don’t want to be distracted by too many options. Last, the Intersection Method combines the previous methods, achieving a balanced Nemesis who reflects choices made by the players and GM.

Are you and your crew ready to face a cunning and ruthless Nemesis? Hostile Acquisitions lands in stores later this quarter. Keep checking this site in the coming weeks for more information on this action-packed Rogue Trader supplement.

Rogue Trader is a roleplaying game set in dark gothic far future of Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 universe. Players take on the roles of explorers aboard a Rogue Trader's ship, searching for profit and adventure while discovering new alien cultures and threats in the uncharted regions of space.


The Jericho Reach - Supplement Preview

Death and Glory

Death and glory, horror and bravery, loyalty and corruption--all these can be found here. But mostly death.     --Lord General OvidiusEarlier this month, we announced The Jericho Reach, a supplement for Deathwatch that provides an in-depth exploration of the struggles the Kill-teams face throughout the Reach, as well as the personalities, planets, and themes of the different salients. Today, we turn our attention to the Acheros Salient, where the Battle-Brothers of the Deathwatch wage a bloody war against the Chaos-worshipping forces of Stigmartus. Their battles have turned the small stretch of stars known as the Cellebos Warzone into a deathzone that claims the lives of millions of Imperial soldiers each year.You can download a brief overview of the Acheros Salient (pdf, 2.1 MB), then prepare yourself for the challenges ahead. Meanwhile, the supplement's lead developer offers an overview of the first chapter and the Deathwatch's battle against Chaos within the Acheros Salient.The war ...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on November 21st, 2011

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Published 21 November 2011 | Deathwatch

Death and Glory

A preview of The Jericho Reach, an upcoming Deathwatch supplement

Death and glory, horror and bravery, loyalty and corruption–all these can be found here. But mostly death.     –Lord General Ovidius

Earlier this month, we announced The Jericho Reach, a supplement for Deathwatch that provides an in-depth exploration of the struggles the Kill-teams face throughout the Reach, as well as the personalities, planets, and themes of the different salients. 

Today, we turn our attention to the Acheros Salient, where the Battle-Brothers of the Deathwatch wage a bloody war against the Chaos-worshipping forces of Stigmartus. Their battles have turned the small stretch of stars known as the Cellebos Warzone into a deathzone that claims the lives of millions of Imperial soldiers each year.

You can download a brief overview of the Acheros Salient (pdf, 2.1 MB), then prepare yourself for the challenges ahead. Meanwhile, the supplement’s lead developer offers an overview of the first chapter and the Deathwatch’s battle against Chaos within the Acheros Salient.

The war against Chaos

The Space Marines of the Deathwatch have mastered the art of fighting the countless xenos races of the galaxy. From Watch Fortress Erioch, the specialized Deathwatch of the Jericho Reach employ their xenos-hunting expertise every day to keep the slavering hordes of Tyranids and determined forces of the Tau at bay. However, many missions demand that Kill-teams venture into the heart of the Reach, where the Hadex Anomaly has torn a hole in reality itself. There the forces of Chaos spread their vile influence and pose one of the greatest challenges to the Battle-Brothers of the Deathwatch. All their xenos-hunting experience will not help the Battle-Brothers against the monstrosities of Chaos.

The first chapter of The Jericho Reach looks into the current state of the Acheros Salient, the battlefield on which the Imperium struggles against the endless forces of Chaos that pour forth from the Hadex Anomaly. It also delves into the many challenges a Kill-team will face while operating in these war-ridden systems. You’ll find in-depth descriptions of previously unexplored planets, profiles for the many of the personalities a Kill-team may meet, optional rules for running a mission set within one of the many planet-wide battles that rage in the Acheros Salient, and all the tools GMs need to provide challenging and diverse missions for their Kill-teams. Additionally, this chapter comes fully-loaded with all-new abilities for players to better combat the forces of Chaos. As the Kill-team gains experience operating within the Acheros Salient, Battle-Brothers learn to better fight their foe, and unlock potent new abilities to send the vile daemons back into the Hadex Anomaly.

Death and glory await those Imperial soldiers tasked with protecting the galaxy from the threats of Chaos and the Acheros Salient. Look for The Jericho Reach to arrive on store shelves in the first quarter of 2012.

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