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The Soul Reaver - Adventure Now Available

Twisted Hearts

The Dark Eldar care little for the Imperium, seeing only playthings for their cruel sport. Any who cross the Maw and sail the void of the Koronus Expanse learn to fear the wicked silhouettes of their ships and their seemingly endless cruelty towards all life, including their own. Only vigilance and firepower keep the worst depredations of these terrible raiders at bay, though from the dens of Footfall to the commerce halls of Port Wander there are countless tales of crew lost and ships savaged in their sudden attacks...The Soul Reaver, an adventure in three parts for Rogue Trader, is now on sale at your local retailer and on our webstore! This epic campaign is a chance for daring Explorers to look deep into the twisted heart of Dark Eldar society in the Koronus Expanse, and pull the greatest heist of their careers.Sadistic PowerFor more on The Soul Reaver, here's a word from developer Max Brooke:Rogue Trader is all about risk and profit. Namely, taking huge risks in the name of reaping...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on August 17th, 2012

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Published 17 August 2012 | Rogue Trader

Twisted Hearts

The Soul Reaver, a Rogue Trader Adventure, Is Now On Sale

“The politics of my people are as the desires of kings compared to the selfish needs of children when measured against your ‘empire’ of man. However, even a king, or a queen, may from time to time find herself in need of childish things…"      –Salaine Morn, Archon of the Shadowed Thorns Kabal

The Dark Eldar care little for the Imperium, seeing only playthings for their cruel sport. Any who cross the Maw and sail the void of the Koronus Expanse learn to fear the wicked silhouettes of their ships and their seemingly endless cruelty towards all life, including their own. Only vigilance and firepower keep the worst depredations of these terrible raiders at bay, though from the dens of Footfall to the commerce halls of Port Wander there are countless tales of crew lost and ships savaged in their sudden attacks...

The Soul Reaver, an adventure in three parts for Rogue Trader, is now on sale at your local retailer and on our webstore! This epic campaign is a chance for daring Explorers to look deep into the twisted heart of Dark Eldar society in the Koronus Expanse, and pull the greatest heist of their careers.

Sadistic Power

For more on The Soul Reaver, here’s a word from developer Max Brooke:

Rogue Trader is all about risk and profit. Namely, taking huge risks in the name of reaping massive profits. And what bigger gamble could there be than plucking an ancient and powerful warship from the very heart of a Dark Eldar city within the webway? 

The Soul Reaver starts with a heist, but things are rarely as they seem when you're dealing with the treacherous Dark Eldar. The Explorers have to bet everything more than once to survive the machinations of several competing factions within the city and come away from this web of lies and betrayal with their promised reward. Of course, the Explorers have a chance to do some betraying of their own, and to this end, The Soul Reaver contains the Dark Eldar Kabalite Warrior Career Path. This full new Career, designed for use in this adventure and beyond, allows players to take the sadistic power of the Dark Eldar into their own hands for the first time in Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay.

I'm very excited about the new resources that The Soul Reaver contains for creating dangerous and memorable characters, and GMs and players alike should enjoy using these rules in their adventure through the twisted depths and perilous heights of Dark Eldar society!

Visit your local retailer, and pick up your copy of The Soul Reaver today!

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The Tome of Fate - Supplement Now Available

Complex, Eternal, Endless

Tzeentch, the Chaos God of Change, weaves the unfathomable strands of Fate from his Impossible Labyrinth deep within the warp. For the innumerable masses, Fate is a cruel and arbitrary force...but for the Tzeentch's chosen few, it is a path to ultimate power.The Tome of Fate, a supplement for Black Crusade, is now on sale at your local retailer and on our webstore! The first of four books delving into the darkest secrets of the Ruinous Powers, The Tome of Fate presents invaluable information on the Lord of Lies. In its pages, players will learn of his dark servants, both daemonic and mortal, and how his influence is felt across the Screaming Vortex. With new weapons and psychic powers to aid them, Heretics can go forth across that unholy stretch of stars and beyond into the depths of the fallen Imperium, ready to challenge Fate and make it their own.What is Fate?For many Heretics, Fate is what they have fought against their entire lives. It was cruel Fate that led xenos raiders to burn...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on August 17th, 2012

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Published 17 August 2012 | Black Crusade

Complex, Eternal, Endless

The Tome of Fate, a Black Crusade Supplement, Is Now Available

“The manipulations of Tzeentch are complex, eternal, and endless. Foil one scheme and two more come to fruition, like the severed heads of the fabled hydra. What might seem like failure is but one step on a long and winding path that only those who have been blessed with the insight and power of the Changer of Ways may follow."      –Attributed to Ankhu Anen, Guardian of the Great Library of Prospero

Tzeentch, the Chaos God of Change, weaves the unfathomable strands of Fate from his Impossible Labyrinth deep within the warp. For the innumerable masses, Fate is a cruel and arbitrary force...but for the Tzeentch’s chosen few, it is a path to ultimate power.

The Tome of Fate, a supplement for Black Crusade, is now on sale at your local retailer and on our webstore! The first of four books delving into the darkest secrets of the Ruinous Powers, The Tome of Fate presents invaluable information on the Lord of Lies. In its pages, players will learn of his dark servants, both daemonic and mortal, and how his influence is felt across the Screaming Vortex. With new weapons and psychic powers to aid them, Heretics can go forth across that unholy stretch of stars and beyond into the depths of the fallen Imperium, ready to challenge Fate and make it their own.

What is Fate?

For many Heretics, Fate is what they have fought against their entire lives. It was cruel Fate that led xenos raiders to burn their family to broken cinders, capricious Fate that caused their lesser sibling to gain the family title instead of themselves, uncaring Fate that led the Inquisition to mistakenly torture them as a traitor and thus make them one. Fate has made them into Heretics, and thus they hate it as much as they hate the Imperium itself.

Others with a greater knowledge and appreciation of the True Mysteries know that Fate is never random or meaningless, no blind series of happenstance or coincidence. There is a Grand Scheme to all things, and thus a Grand Schemer. That Schemer is the Chaos Power known as Tzeentch. Those following this god strive to know his ways, and thus the hidden threads that bind all things to his will in the vast tapestry that is Fate itself. Such an effort is surely futile, for no mortal mind can possibly comprehend such infinite complexity, but even small glimmers of the Will of Tzeentch allow for more power than could be imagined. To gain such power, many Heretics are willing to risk all, including madness or mutation, for they know that either they must control their Fate, or Fate will control them.

Infinite Complexity

The Tome of Fate introduces four new Tzeentch-centric Heretic Archetypes, as well as foul daemons, arcane weaponry, mighty daemon engines, and vile minions for followers of the Master of Fate. Players of all alignments will also gain potent new psychic powers and daemonic rites to fuel their struggle against the hated Imperium. The fallen forges of the Hollows, the mutants of Dread Korvaska, and the ancient Necrons awakening from within the Pillars of Eternity: these and other secrets of the Screaming Vortex shall stand revealed. All this and more lies within The Tome of Fate, including a dangerous new adventure on the sorcerous world of Q’Sal!

Do you possess the force of will to stand among Tzeentch’s chosen? Head to your local retailer, and unlock the secrets of the Lord of Lies!

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The Soul Reaver - Adventure Now Available

Twisted Hearts

The Dark Eldar care little for the Imperium, seeing only playthings for their cruel sport. Any who cross the Maw and sail the void of the Koronus Expanse learn to fear the wicked silhouettes of their ships and their seemingly endless cruelty towards all life, including their own. Only vigilance and firepower keep the worst depredations of these terrible raiders at bay, though from the dens of Footfall to the commerce halls of Port Wander there are countless tales of crew lost and ships savaged in their sudden attacks...The Soul Reaver, an adventure in three parts for Rogue Trader, is now on sale at your local retailer and on our webstore! This epic campaign is a chance for daring Explorers to look deep into the twisted heart of Dark Eldar society in the Koronus Expanse, and pull the greatest heist of their careers.Sadistic PowerFor more on The Soul Reaver, here's a word from developer Max Brooke:Rogue Trader is all about risk and profit. Namely, taking huge risks in the name of reaping...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on August 17th, 2012

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Published 17 August 2012 | Rogue Trader

Twisted Hearts

The Soul Reaver, a Rogue Trader Adventure, Is Now On Sale

“The politics of my people are as the desires of kings compared to the selfish needs of children when measured against your ‘empire’ of man. However, even a king, or a queen, may from time to time find herself in need of childish things…"      –Salaine Morn, Archon of the Shadowed Thorns Kabal

The Dark Eldar care little for the Imperium, seeing only playthings for their cruel sport. Any who cross the Maw and sail the void of the Koronus Expanse learn to fear the wicked silhouettes of their ships and their seemingly endless cruelty towards all life, including their own. Only vigilance and firepower keep the worst depredations of these terrible raiders at bay, though from the dens of Footfall to the commerce halls of Port Wander there are countless tales of crew lost and ships savaged in their sudden attacks...

The Soul Reaver, an adventure in three parts for Rogue Trader, is now on sale at your local retailer and on our webstore! This epic campaign is a chance for daring Explorers to look deep into the twisted heart of Dark Eldar society in the Koronus Expanse, and pull the greatest heist of their careers.

Sadistic Power

For more on The Soul Reaver, here’s a word from developer Max Brooke:

Rogue Trader is all about risk and profit. Namely, taking huge risks in the name of reaping massive profits. And what bigger gamble could there be than plucking an ancient and powerful warship from the very heart of a Dark Eldar city within the webway? 

The Soul Reaver starts with a heist, but things are rarely as they seem when you're dealing with the treacherous Dark Eldar. The Explorers have to bet everything more than once to survive the machinations of several competing factions within the city and come away from this web of lies and betrayal with their promised reward. Of course, the Explorers have a chance to do some betraying of their own, and to this end, The Soul Reaver contains the Dark Eldar Kabalite Warrior Career Path. This full new Career, designed for use in this adventure and beyond, allows players to take the sadistic power of the Dark Eldar into their own hands for the first time in Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay.

I'm very excited about the new resources that The Soul Reaver contains for creating dangerous and memorable characters, and GMs and players alike should enjoy using these rules in their adventure through the twisted depths and perilous heights of Dark Eldar society!

Visit your local retailer, and pick up your copy of The Soul Reaver today!

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The Tome of Fate - Supplement Now Available

Complex, Eternal, Endless

Tzeentch, the Chaos God of Change, weaves the unfathomable strands of Fate from his Impossible Labyrinth deep within the warp. For the innumerable masses, Fate is a cruel and arbitrary force...but for the Tzeentch's chosen few, it is a path to ultimate power.The Tome of Fate, a supplement for Black Crusade, is now on sale at your local retailer and on our webstore! The first of four books delving into the darkest secrets of the Ruinous Powers, The Tome of Fate presents invaluable information on the Lord of Lies. In its pages, players will learn of his dark servants, both daemonic and mortal, and how his influence is felt across the Screaming Vortex. With new weapons and psychic powers to aid them, Heretics can go forth across that unholy stretch of stars and beyond into the depths of the fallen Imperium, ready to challenge Fate and make it their own.What is Fate?For many Heretics, Fate is what they have fought against their entire lives. It was cruel Fate that led xenos raiders to burn...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on August 17th, 2012

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Published 17 August 2012 | Black Crusade

Complex, Eternal, Endless

The Tome of Fate, a Black Crusade Supplement, Is Now Available

“The manipulations of Tzeentch are complex, eternal, and endless. Foil one scheme and two more come to fruition, like the severed heads of the fabled hydra. What might seem like failure is but one step on a long and winding path that only those who have been blessed with the insight and power of the Changer of Ways may follow."      –Attributed to Ankhu Anen, Guardian of the Great Library of Prospero

Tzeentch, the Chaos God of Change, weaves the unfathomable strands of Fate from his Impossible Labyrinth deep within the warp. For the innumerable masses, Fate is a cruel and arbitrary force...but for the Tzeentch’s chosen few, it is a path to ultimate power.

The Tome of Fate, a supplement for Black Crusade, is now on sale at your local retailer and on our webstore! The first of four books delving into the darkest secrets of the Ruinous Powers, The Tome of Fate presents invaluable information on the Lord of Lies. In its pages, players will learn of his dark servants, both daemonic and mortal, and how his influence is felt across the Screaming Vortex. With new weapons and psychic powers to aid them, Heretics can go forth across that unholy stretch of stars and beyond into the depths of the fallen Imperium, ready to challenge Fate and make it their own.

What is Fate?

For many Heretics, Fate is what they have fought against their entire lives. It was cruel Fate that led xenos raiders to burn their family to broken cinders, capricious Fate that caused their lesser sibling to gain the family title instead of themselves, uncaring Fate that led the Inquisition to mistakenly torture them as a traitor and thus make them one. Fate has made them into Heretics, and thus they hate it as much as they hate the Imperium itself.

Others with a greater knowledge and appreciation of the True Mysteries know that Fate is never random or meaningless, no blind series of happenstance or coincidence. There is a Grand Scheme to all things, and thus a Grand Schemer. That Schemer is the Chaos Power known as Tzeentch. Those following this god strive to know his ways, and thus the hidden threads that bind all things to his will in the vast tapestry that is Fate itself. Such an effort is surely futile, for no mortal mind can possibly comprehend such infinite complexity, but even small glimmers of the Will of Tzeentch allow for more power than could be imagined. To gain such power, many Heretics are willing to risk all, including madness or mutation, for they know that either they must control their Fate, or Fate will control them.

Infinite Complexity

The Tome of Fate introduces four new Tzeentch-centric Heretic Archetypes, as well as foul daemons, arcane weaponry, mighty daemon engines, and vile minions for followers of the Master of Fate. Players of all alignments will also gain potent new psychic powers and daemonic rites to fuel their struggle against the hated Imperium. The fallen forges of the Hollows, the mutants of Dread Korvaska, and the ancient Necrons awakening from within the Pillars of Eternity: these and other secrets of the Screaming Vortex shall stand revealed. All this and more lies within The Tome of Fate, including a dangerous new adventure on the sorcerous world of Q’Sal!

Do you possess the force of will to stand among Tzeentch’s chosen? Head to your local retailer, and unlock the secrets of the Lord of Lies!

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The Soul Reaver - Adventure Now Available

Twisted Hearts

The Dark Eldar care little for the Imperium, seeing only playthings for their cruel sport. Any who cross the Maw and sail the void of the Koronus Expanse learn to fear the wicked silhouettes of their ships and their seemingly endless cruelty towards all life, including their own. Only vigilance and firepower keep the worst depredations of these terrible raiders at bay, though from the dens of Footfall to the commerce halls of Port Wander there are countless tales of crew lost and ships savaged in their sudden attacks...The Soul Reaver, an adventure in three parts for Rogue Trader, is now on sale at your local retailer and on our webstore! This epic campaign is a chance for daring Explorers to look deep into the twisted heart of Dark Eldar society in the Koronus Expanse, and pull the greatest heist of their careers.Sadistic PowerFor more on The Soul Reaver, here's a word from developer Max Brooke:Rogue Trader is all about risk and profit. Namely, taking huge risks in the name of reaping...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on August 17th, 2012

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Published 17 August 2012 | Rogue Trader

Twisted Hearts

The Soul Reaver, a Rogue Trader Adventure, Is Now On Sale

“The politics of my people are as the desires of kings compared to the selfish needs of children when measured against your ‘empire’ of man. However, even a king, or a queen, may from time to time find herself in need of childish things…"      –Salaine Morn, Archon of the Shadowed Thorns Kabal

The Dark Eldar care little for the Imperium, seeing only playthings for their cruel sport. Any who cross the Maw and sail the void of the Koronus Expanse learn to fear the wicked silhouettes of their ships and their seemingly endless cruelty towards all life, including their own. Only vigilance and firepower keep the worst depredations of these terrible raiders at bay, though from the dens of Footfall to the commerce halls of Port Wander there are countless tales of crew lost and ships savaged in their sudden attacks...

The Soul Reaver, an adventure in three parts for Rogue Trader, is now on sale at your local retailer and on our webstore! This epic campaign is a chance for daring Explorers to look deep into the twisted heart of Dark Eldar society in the Koronus Expanse, and pull the greatest heist of their careers.

Sadistic Power

For more on The Soul Reaver, here’s a word from developer Max Brooke:

Rogue Trader is all about risk and profit. Namely, taking huge risks in the name of reaping massive profits. And what bigger gamble could there be than plucking an ancient and powerful warship from the very heart of a Dark Eldar city within the webway? 

The Soul Reaver starts with a heist, but things are rarely as they seem when you're dealing with the treacherous Dark Eldar. The Explorers have to bet everything more than once to survive the machinations of several competing factions within the city and come away from this web of lies and betrayal with their promised reward. Of course, the Explorers have a chance to do some betraying of their own, and to this end, The Soul Reaver contains the Dark Eldar Kabalite Warrior Career Path. This full new Career, designed for use in this adventure and beyond, allows players to take the sadistic power of the Dark Eldar into their own hands for the first time in Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay.

I'm very excited about the new resources that The Soul Reaver contains for creating dangerous and memorable characters, and GMs and players alike should enjoy using these rules in their adventure through the twisted depths and perilous heights of Dark Eldar society!

Visit your local retailer, and pick up your copy of The Soul Reaver today!

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Game Master's Kit - Core Announcement

Master the Mission

Announcing The Game Master's Kit for Only War “We cannot suffer any more losses, or we will lose this front. This cannot stand, Colonel Garn. Allow me to take a contingent of our best men, and we will end this threat once and for all."      –Last Recorded Words of Lieutenant Uron Halle, 23rd Maccabian Janissaries...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on August 13th, 2012

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"We cannot suffer any more losses, or we will lose this front. This cannot stand, Colonel Garn. Allow me to take a contingent of our best men, and we will end this threat once and for all."
-Last Recorded Words of Lieutenant Uron Halle, 23rd Maccabian Janissaries

Guide your squad to success over their mission with The Game Master's Kit for Only War! This helpful resource features a sturdy Game Master's screen, which displays eye-catching Only War art on one side and a wealth of convenient references on the other. In addition, The Game Master's Kit includes a 32-page full color booklet with a complete adventure, a selection of useful NPCs, and helpful advice for GMs about managing comrades and more.

Old Soldiers

Challenge your players with the included adventure, "Old Soldiers," which takes a group of squadmates to the feral and war-torn world of Virbius. A base of operations in an ongoing struggle against the Severan Dominate, Virbius is an Emperor-forsaken rock inhabited by tribal, combat-bike riding nomads.

But on a mission deep behind enemy lines, the player characters will learn a disturbing truth about the Imperium's foes. Then, they'll have to use all the cunning, ingenuity, and determination they can muster to return to Imperial lines with their lives, and with vital information about Virbius's true dangers.

With a wealth of useful content, The Game Master's Kit is the perfect enhancement for your Only War experience. Look for it on store shelves later this year!

Only War is a Warhammer 40,000 roleplaying game in which players take on the roles of soldiers in the Imperial Guard, the galaxy-spanning armies of the God-Emperor. In the face of overwhelming opposition, Guardsmen fight against mankind's many enemies for the very survival of humanity and the continuation of the Imperium's dominance over space.


Game Master's Kit - Core Preview

Master the Mission

Guide your squad to success over their mission with The Game Master's Kit for Only War! This helpful resource features a sturdy Game Master's screen, which displays eye-catching Only War art on one side and a wealth of convenient references on the other. In addition, The Game Master's Kit includes a 32-page full color booklet with a complete adventure, a selection of useful NPCs, and helpful advice for GMs about managing comrades and more.Old SoldiersChallenge your players with the included adventure, "Old Soldiers," which takes a group of squadmates to the feral and war-torn world of Virbius. A base of operations in an ongoing struggle against the Severan Dominate, Virbius is an Emperor-forsaken rock inhabited by tribal, combat-bike riding nomads.But on a mission deep behind enemy lines, the player characters will learn a disturbing truth about the Imperium's foes. Then, they'll have to use all the cunning, ingenuity, and determination they can muster to return to Imperial lines with ...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on August 13th, 2012

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Published 13 August 2012 | Only War

Master the Mission

Announcing The Game Master's Kit for Only War

“We cannot suffer any more losses, or we will lose this front. This cannot stand, Colonel Garn. Allow me to take a contingent of our best men, and we will end this threat once and for all."      –Last Recorded Words of Lieutenant Uron Halle, 23rd Maccabian Janissaries

Guide your squad to success over their mission with The Game Master’s Kit for Only War! This helpful resource features a sturdy Game Master’s screen, which displays eye-catching Only War art on one side and a wealth of convenient references on the other. In addition, The Game Master’s Kit includes a 32-page full color booklet with a complete adventure, a selection of useful NPCs, and helpful advice for GMs about managing comrades and more.

Old Soldiers

Challenge your players with the included adventure, “Old Soldiers,” which takes a group of squadmates to the feral and war-torn world of Virbius. A base of operations in an ongoing struggle against the Severan Dominate, Virbius is an Emperor-forsaken rock inhabited by tribal, combat-bike riding nomads.

But on a mission deep behind enemy lines, the player characters will learn a disturbing truth about the Imperium’s foes. Then, they’ll have to use all the cunning, ingenuity, and determination they can muster to return to Imperial lines with their lives, and with vital information about Virbius’s true dangers.

With a wealth of useful content, The Game Master’s Kit is the perfect enhancement for your Only War experience. Look for it on store shelves later this year!

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Game Master's Kit - Core Preview

Master the Mission

Guide your squad to success over their mission with The Game Master's Kit for Only War! This helpful resource features a sturdy Game Master's screen, which displays eye-catching Only War art on one side and a wealth of convenient references on the other. In addition, The Game Master's Kit includes a 32-page full color booklet with a complete adventure, a selection of useful NPCs, and helpful advice for GMs about managing comrades and more.Old SoldiersChallenge your players with the included adventure, "Old Soldiers," which takes a group of squadmates to the feral and war-torn world of Virbius. A base of operations in an ongoing struggle against the Severan Dominate, Virbius is an Emperor-forsaken rock inhabited by tribal, combat-bike riding nomads.But on a mission deep behind enemy lines, the player characters will learn a disturbing truth about the Imperium's foes. Then, they'll have to use all the cunning, ingenuity, and determination they can muster to return to Imperial lines with ...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on August 13th, 2012

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Published 13 August 2012 | Only War

Master the Mission

Announcing The Game Master's Kit for Only War

“We cannot suffer any more losses, or we will lose this front. This cannot stand, Colonel Garn. Allow me to take a contingent of our best men, and we will end this threat once and for all."      –Last Recorded Words of Lieutenant Uron Halle, 23rd Maccabian Janissaries

Guide your squad to success over their mission with The Game Master’s Kit for Only War! This helpful resource features a sturdy Game Master’s screen, which displays eye-catching Only War art on one side and a wealth of convenient references on the other. In addition, The Game Master’s Kit includes a 32-page full color booklet with a complete adventure, a selection of useful NPCs, and helpful advice for GMs about managing comrades and more.

Old Soldiers

Challenge your players with the included adventure, “Old Soldiers,” which takes a group of squadmates to the feral and war-torn world of Virbius. A base of operations in an ongoing struggle against the Severan Dominate, Virbius is an Emperor-forsaken rock inhabited by tribal, combat-bike riding nomads.

But on a mission deep behind enemy lines, the player characters will learn a disturbing truth about the Imperium’s foes. Then, they’ll have to use all the cunning, ingenuity, and determination they can muster to return to Imperial lines with their lives, and with vital information about Virbius’s true dangers.

With a wealth of useful content, The Game Master’s Kit is the perfect enhancement for your Only War experience. Look for it on store shelves later this year!

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The Lathe Worlds - Supplement Now Available

Mysteries of the Adeptus Mechanicus

The Lathe Worlds, a Dark Heresy Supplement, Is Now Available “Knowledge is power, and power is dangerous.”       –Unknown The Lathe Worlds, the latest supplement for

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on August 8th, 2012

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“Knowledge is power, and power is dangerous.”

The Lathe Worlds, the latest supplement for Dark Heresy, is now on sale at your local retailer and on our webstore! This invaluable tome reveals the secret history of the Lathe Worlds, from their mysterious founding to their current struggles against tech-heresy. What’s more, players will gain access to new Alternate Careers such as the Mech-Assassin and Agent of the Lords Dragon, and arm themselves with weapons and gifts of the Omnissiah. And in a thrilling new adventure, your team will journey to a lost comet-station, where they’ll stop renegade tech-priests from heretical experiments into the Warp!

Fathom the Unfathomable

In the Imperium of Man, technology is commonplace...but it is also mysterious and unfathomable. Such knowledge is the carefully guarded domain of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and has been for thousands of years. They are the Cult of the Machine God, worshipping the Emperor as their Omnissiah, the Perfect Sum of All Knowledge. Their Explorator fleets search across the galaxy for lost knowledge from ages long past. Their mechanically augmented tech-priests on thousands of forge worlds strive to preserve what precious little data they retain. Both quests continue, though they are mere flickering candles against the oppressive darkness of stagnation and ignorance. With each century, actual understanding descends to dogma, rote instruction, and myth, as priceless knowledge is lost forever.

Within the Calixis Sector, the Adeptus Mechanicus is centered on the Lathe Worlds, and from these three planets the Mechanicum oversees its domains of forge worlds, research stations, orbitals, and even entire systems. From these worlds, precious knowledge and holy technology flow throughout the Sector, while the Cult Mechanicus carefully hoards even greater secrets for its own, inscrutable purposes.

The Lathe Worlds allows Dark Heresy players to delve deeper into the mysteries of the Adeptus Mechanicus within the Calixis Sector. The Cult of the Machine God stretches across this region and beyond, ruling each of its worlds in the name of the Omnissiah, outside the purview of the Inquisition or other Imperial agencies. The Lathes struggle to control their domains, however, and dark areas of the Sector hide countless tech-heresies and dangerous researches.

The Word of the Omnissiah

For more on The Lathe Worlds, here’s a word from its developer, Tim Huckelbery:

The Adeptus Mechanicus has always been a big part of the Warhammer 40,000 lore, and The Lathe Worlds gives us a great opportunity to explore this mysterious organization and how they operate in the Calixis Sector. I’ve always loved the insane science of the Mechanicum, and it was great to work with fellow fans to produce this book. Past Dark Heresy supplements had some fragments of their sects and forge worlds, but here we really reveal the scale and power of the Cult of the Machine God.

Players will get a host of new Mechanicum careers and armory items inside, but we’ve also included the virulently anti-tech Cult of the Pure Form for those not who do not worship the Omnissiah. The actual Lathe Worlds themselves were also great fun to create. These forge worlds, research stations, orbitals, and other domains of the Adeptus Mechanicus make for a wonderful collection of places worthy of Inquisitorial attention, especially those isolated locations engaging in forbidden research and mad science. GMs will get a host of such settings in this book, complete with NPCs and adventure seeds for their Acolytes to explore, investigate, and (if they are lucky) not end up as Servitors! 

Begin your quest for knowledge in the name of the Omnissiah. Pick up your copy of The Lathe Worlds today!

Dark Heresy is a roleplaying game set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, a setting in the grim darkness of the far future. Players take on the roles of Acolytes serving the Inquisition, rooting out heresy and corruption from within the galaxy-spanning Imperium of Man.


The Lathe Worlds - Supplement Now Available

Mysteries of the Adeptus Mechanicus

The Lathe Worlds, the latest supplement for Dark Heresy, is now on sale at your local retailer and on our webstore! This invaluable tome reveals the secret history of the Lathe Worlds, from their mysterious founding to their current struggles against tech-heresy. What's more, players will gain access to new Alternate Careers such as the Mech-Assassin and Agent of the Lords Dragon, and arm themselves with weapons and gifts of the Omnissiah. And in a thrilling new adventure, your team will journey to a lost comet-station, where they'll stop renegade tech-priests from heretical experiments into the Warp!Fathom the UnfathomableIn the Imperium of Man, technology is commonplace...but it is also mysterious and unfathomable. Such knowledge is the carefully guarded domain of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and has been for thousands of years. They are the Cult of the Machine God, worshipping the Emperor as their Omnissiah, the Perfect Sum of All Knowledge. Their Explorator fleets search across the gala...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on August 8th, 2012

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Published 8 August 2012 | Dark Heresy

Mysteries of the Adeptus Mechanicus

The Lathe Worlds, a Dark Heresy Supplement, Is Now Available

“Knowledge is power, and power is dangerous.”       –Unknown

The Lathe Worlds, the latest supplement for Dark Heresy, is now on sale at your local retailer and on our webstore! This invaluable tome reveals the secret history of the Lathe Worlds, from their mysterious founding to their current struggles against tech-heresy. What’s more, players will gain access to new Alternate Careers such as the Mech-Assassin and Agent of the Lords Dragon, and arm themselves with weapons and gifts of the Omnissiah. And in a thrilling new adventure, your team will journey to a lost comet-station, where they’ll stop renegade tech-priests from heretical experiments into the Warp!

Fathom the Unfathomable

In the Imperium of Man, technology is commonplace...but it is also mysterious and unfathomable. Such knowledge is the carefully guarded domain of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and has been for thousands of years. They are the Cult of the Machine God, worshipping the Emperor as their Omnissiah, the Perfect Sum of All Knowledge. Their Explorator fleets search across the galaxy for lost knowledge from ages long past. Their mechanically augmented tech-priests on thousands of forge worlds strive to preserve what precious little data they retain. Both quests continue, though they are mere flickering candles against the oppressive darkness of stagnation and ignorance. With each century, actual understanding descends to dogma, rote instruction, and myth, as priceless knowledge is lost forever.

Within the Calixis Sector, the Adeptus Mechanicus is centered on the Lathe Worlds, and from these three planets the Mechanicum oversees its domains of forge worlds, research stations, orbitals, and even entire systems. From these worlds, precious knowledge and holy technology flow throughout the Sector, while the Cult Mechanicus carefully hoards even greater secrets for its own, inscrutable purposes.

The Lathe Worlds allows Dark Heresy players to delve deeper into the mysteries of the Adeptus Mechanicus within the Calixis Sector. The Cult of the Machine God stretches across this region and beyond, ruling each of its worlds in the name of the Omnissiah, outside the purview of the Inquisition or other Imperial agencies. The Lathes struggle to control their domains, however, and dark areas of the Sector hide countless tech-heresies and dangerous researches.

The Word of the Omnissiah

For more on The Lathe Worlds, here’s a word from its developer, Tim Huckelbery:

The Adeptus Mechanicus has always been a big part of the Warhammer 40,000 lore, and The Lathe Worlds gives us a great opportunity to explore this mysterious organization and how they operate in the Calixis Sector. I’ve always loved the insane science of the Mechanicum, and it was great to work with fellow fans to produce this book. Past Dark Heresy supplements had some fragments of their sects and forge worlds, but here we really reveal the scale and power of the Cult of the Machine God.

Players will get a host of new Mechanicum careers and armory items inside, but we’ve also included the virulently anti-tech Cult of the Pure Form for those not who do not worship the Omnissiah. The actual Lathe Worlds themselves were also great fun to create. These forge worlds, research stations, orbitals, and other domains of the Adeptus Mechanicus make for a wonderful collection of places worthy of Inquisitorial attention, especially those isolated locations engaging in forbidden research and mad science. GMs will get a host of such settings in this book, complete with NPCs and adventure seeds for their Acolytes to explore, investigate, and (if they are lucky) not end up as Servitors! 

Begin your quest for knowledge in the name of the Omnissiah. Pick up your copy of The Lathe Worlds today!

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The Lathe Worlds - Supplement Now Available

Mysteries of the Adeptus Mechanicus

The Lathe Worlds, the latest supplement for Dark Heresy, is now on sale at your local retailer and on our webstore! This invaluable tome reveals the secret history of the Lathe Worlds, from their mysterious founding to their current struggles against tech-heresy. What's more, players will gain access to new Alternate Careers such as the Mech-Assassin and Agent of the Lords Dragon, and arm themselves with weapons and gifts of the Omnissiah. And in a thrilling new adventure, your team will journey to a lost comet-station, where they'll stop renegade tech-priests from heretical experiments into the Warp!Fathom the UnfathomableIn the Imperium of Man, technology is commonplace...but it is also mysterious and unfathomable. Such knowledge is the carefully guarded domain of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and has been for thousands of years. They are the Cult of the Machine God, worshipping the Emperor as their Omnissiah, the Perfect Sum of All Knowledge. Their Explorator fleets search across the gala...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on August 8th, 2012

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Published 8 August 2012 | Dark Heresy

Mysteries of the Adeptus Mechanicus

The Lathe Worlds, a Dark Heresy Supplement, Is Now Available

“Knowledge is power, and power is dangerous.”       –Unknown

The Lathe Worlds, the latest supplement for Dark Heresy, is now on sale at your local retailer and on our webstore! This invaluable tome reveals the secret history of the Lathe Worlds, from their mysterious founding to their current struggles against tech-heresy. What’s more, players will gain access to new Alternate Careers such as the Mech-Assassin and Agent of the Lords Dragon, and arm themselves with weapons and gifts of the Omnissiah. And in a thrilling new adventure, your team will journey to a lost comet-station, where they’ll stop renegade tech-priests from heretical experiments into the Warp!

Fathom the Unfathomable

In the Imperium of Man, technology is commonplace...but it is also mysterious and unfathomable. Such knowledge is the carefully guarded domain of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and has been for thousands of years. They are the Cult of the Machine God, worshipping the Emperor as their Omnissiah, the Perfect Sum of All Knowledge. Their Explorator fleets search across the galaxy for lost knowledge from ages long past. Their mechanically augmented tech-priests on thousands of forge worlds strive to preserve what precious little data they retain. Both quests continue, though they are mere flickering candles against the oppressive darkness of stagnation and ignorance. With each century, actual understanding descends to dogma, rote instruction, and myth, as priceless knowledge is lost forever.

Within the Calixis Sector, the Adeptus Mechanicus is centered on the Lathe Worlds, and from these three planets the Mechanicum oversees its domains of forge worlds, research stations, orbitals, and even entire systems. From these worlds, precious knowledge and holy technology flow throughout the Sector, while the Cult Mechanicus carefully hoards even greater secrets for its own, inscrutable purposes.

The Lathe Worlds allows Dark Heresy players to delve deeper into the mysteries of the Adeptus Mechanicus within the Calixis Sector. The Cult of the Machine God stretches across this region and beyond, ruling each of its worlds in the name of the Omnissiah, outside the purview of the Inquisition or other Imperial agencies. The Lathes struggle to control their domains, however, and dark areas of the Sector hide countless tech-heresies and dangerous researches.

The Word of the Omnissiah

For more on The Lathe Worlds, here’s a word from its developer, Tim Huckelbery:

The Adeptus Mechanicus has always been a big part of the Warhammer 40,000 lore, and The Lathe Worlds gives us a great opportunity to explore this mysterious organization and how they operate in the Calixis Sector. I’ve always loved the insane science of the Mechanicum, and it was great to work with fellow fans to produce this book. Past Dark Heresy supplements had some fragments of their sects and forge worlds, but here we really reveal the scale and power of the Cult of the Machine God.

Players will get a host of new Mechanicum careers and armory items inside, but we’ve also included the virulently anti-tech Cult of the Pure Form for those not who do not worship the Omnissiah. The actual Lathe Worlds themselves were also great fun to create. These forge worlds, research stations, orbitals, and other domains of the Adeptus Mechanicus make for a wonderful collection of places worthy of Inquisitorial attention, especially those isolated locations engaging in forbidden research and mad science. GMs will get a host of such settings in this book, complete with NPCs and adventure seeds for their Acolytes to explore, investigate, and (if they are lucky) not end up as Servitors! 

Begin your quest for knowledge in the name of the Omnissiah. Pick up your copy of The Lathe Worlds today!

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in our forums!

The Koronus Bestiary - Bestiary Download Available

Digital Daemons

The Koronus Bestiary, A Rogue Trader Supplement, Is On Sale Via Download

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on August 3rd, 2012

Read more right here | Read more on fantasyflightgames.com

“They descend from the heavens like a maelstrom of destruction. Everything they seek and everything that they find lies in ruins, for they are of a lost age. Though if they do find the treasure they seek, a new Age of Strife may come upon us all."
     –The Witches of Footfall, prior to the first sighting of the Rak’Gol

From the enigmatic Eldar to the ferocious Orks, alien races seek to halt Mankind’s rightful rule of the galaxy. Will you master these foul creatures and rule the void, or become another foolhardy Explorer lost to the Expanse?

The Koronus Bestiary, a supplement for Rogue Trader, is now available for sale via download through drivethrurpg.com and rpgnow.com! This detailed compendium provides invaluable information on deadly beasts, hostile xenos, unholy daemons, and other dangers that fill the uncharted regions of the Koronus Expanse.

In addition to its many adventure seeds and plot hooks, The Koronus Bestiary also features art and descriptions for a range of foes, including Shadowkith, Thornmaws, Void Krakens, and a host of others. Looking for even more vile enemies? The Xenos Generator rules allow players to create alien species as varied and dangerous as they can imagine!

Threats to the Expanse

Humanity may have settled untold worlds in the Koronus Expanse, but only the most audacious of Rogue Traders would dare claim that it asserts any true dominion over this lawless region of space. For every conquered planet there are dozens more under the control of vile aliens. Explorers operating in the Expanse are sure to encounter these threats in their journeys, either by accident or design, and must be ready lest their ship and their profits be lost.

Each of The Koronus Bestiary’s chapters concentrates on one type of threat, ranging from savage monsters to predatory alien races to the terrors that lurk beyond reality. Chapter one examines some of the more dangerous beasts found across the Expanse, while chapter two covers the major sentient xenos races in this lawless region of space (such as the devious Stryxis, brutal Orks, treacherous Eldar, ferocious Rak’Gol, and much more). Next, chapter three presents a different sort of threat: foul warp spawn that not only destroy an Explorer’s body, but rend his very soul. Finally, Game Masters can use chapter four’s xenos generator to produce unique beasts, dangerous plant life and even primitive sentient races ripe for exploitation and indoctrination.

Innumerable terrors populate the uncharted planets of the Koronus Expanse. Will you be ready for them? Learn more by reading our series of previews, then download your copy of The Koronus Bestiary at drivethrurpg.com or rpgnow.com!

Rogue Trader is a roleplaying game set in dark gothic far future of Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 universe. Players take on the roles of explorers aboard a Rogue Trader's ship, searching for profit and adventure while discovering new alien cultures and threats in the uncharted regions of space.


The Lathe Worlds - Supplement Preview

From the Ashes of War

A Preview of The Lathe Worlds, an Upcoming Dark Heresy Supplement “They came upon our position like a river of red; an unbroken line of armour and guns stretching across our battle lines. Without a word they opened fire, and I witnessed destruction the likes of which I had never seen. Minutes passed, and still they kept firing....

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on August 3rd, 2012

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“They came upon our position like a river of red; an unbroken line of armour and guns stretching across our battle lines. Without a word they opened fire, and I witnessed destruction the likes of which I had never seen. Minutes passed, and still they kept firing. With so few of us left, I knew it was the end, and at that moment, as I took one last look at the grim facades of these soldiers, I knew the Machine God was real. I threw my weapon away and awaited his judgement."
      – Last recorded testament of Vasallis Noch, the Butcher of Sahcrin

The Lathe Worlds, a supplement for Dark Heresy, is coming next week! This invaluable tome reveals the secret history of the Lathe Worlds, from their mysterious founding to their current struggles against tech-heresy. What’s more, players will gain access to new Alternate Careers such as the Mech-Assassin and Agent of the Lords Dragon, and arm themselves with weapons and gifts of the Omnissiah. And in a thrilling new adventure, your team will journey to a lost comet-station, where they’ll stop renegade tech-priests from heretical experiments into the Warp!

As we prepare for its release, we’re pleased to present a word from contributing writer Matthew Eustace (H.B.M.C. on our forums):

I’ve long been fascinated with the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Imperium’s own “empire within an empire.” They always seemed like an enormous organisation that constantly sat in your peripheral vision – never front and centre, yet you always knew they were there – and when the chance to expand upon the Mechanicum’ history within the Calixis Sector came up I jumped at the chance.

Philosophical Differences

One area of The Lathes Worlds that I enjoyed writing was any place where I could take parts of Calixian history, such as the Meritech Wars or the War of Brass, and inject that history into both the new alternate careers as well as various types of weapons and equipment. Two great examples of this are the Crimson Guard and Cult of the Pure Form. These two organisations rose from the ashes of terrible wars, yet exist as polar opposites to one another – one an army of enhanced soldiers loyal to the Mechanicum, the other a group that sees the Mechanicum as a dire threat to humanity!

The Crimson Guard, also known as the Venatorii, are the elite forces of the Lathe Worlds. Unique to the Calixis Sector, their history stems from the decimation the War of Brass wrought upon the regular Skitarii forces of the Lathes. Built up whilst the regular Lathe armies recovered, the Crimson Guard have almost become a kind of Mechanicum special forces, and unlike most branches of the Adeptus Mechanicus are known to work with the Inquisition as advisors and bodyguards. The Cult of the Pure Form finds their origins in the aftermath of another horrific conflict, the Malygrisian Tech-Heresy. They view cybernetics as a blight upon humanity and something that sullies sacred flesh. Their whole existence focuses on undermining the Machine Cult and “liberating” poor souls who have found themselves “defiled” by cybernetics.

Another Mechanicum trait I like is the way forge worlds manufacture equipment that is similar in function yet has its own local spin (a Mars-Pattern Lasgun versus an Accatran-Pattern Lasgun, for example). Using the history of the Calixian forge worlds I took this idea and ran with it for many of the weapons and equipment within the Armoury. The Perinetus-Pattern Servo Harness, the Midath-Pattern Power Glove and the Het-Pattern Rapier tap into the histories of these worlds to better bring them to life, making them more than simple tools or weapons, but things that have a logical place within the larger Calixis Sector.

I’m sure Dark Heresy players will find a wealth of mechanical miracles within The Lathe Worlds’ pages. The Mechanicum has always played a large role in our campaigns, and once this book is out I’m certain that there will be Tech-Priests everywhere!

Dark Heresy is a roleplaying game set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, a setting in the grim darkness of the far future. Players take on the roles of Acolytes serving the Inquisition, rooting out heresy and corruption from within the galaxy-spanning Imperium of Man.


The Lathe Worlds - Supplement Preview

From the Ashes of War

The Lathe Worlds, a supplement for Dark Heresy, is coming next week! This invaluable tome reveals the secret history of the Lathe Worlds, from their mysterious founding to their current struggles against tech-heresy. What's more, players will gain access to new Alternate Careers such as the Mech-Assassin and Agent of the Lords Dragon, and arm themselves with weapons and gifts of the Omnissiah. And in a thrilling new adventure, your team will journey to a lost comet-station, where they'll stop renegade tech-priests from heretical experiments into the Warp!As we prepare for its release, we're pleased to present a word from contributing writer Matthew Eustace (H.B.M.C. on our forums):I've long been fascinated with the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Imperium's own "empire within an empire." They always seemed like an enormous organisation that constantly sat in your peripheral vision -- never front and centre, yet you always knew they were there -- and when the chance to expand upon the Mechanicu...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on August 3rd, 2012

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Published 3 August 2012 | Dark Heresy

From the Ashes of War

A Preview of The Lathe Worlds, an Upcoming Dark Heresy Supplement

“They came upon our position like a river of red; an unbroken line of armour and guns stretching across our battle lines. Without a word they opened fire, and I witnessed destruction the likes of which I had never seen. Minutes passed, and still they kept firing. With so few of us left, I knew it was the end, and at that moment, as I took one last look at the grim facades of these soldiers, I knew the Machine God was real. I threw my weapon away and awaited his judgement."       – Last recorded testament of Vasallis Noch, the Butcher of Sahcrin

The Lathe Worlds, a supplement for Dark Heresy, is coming next week! This invaluable tome reveals the secret history of the Lathe Worlds, from their mysterious founding to their current struggles against tech-heresy. What’s more, players will gain access to new Alternate Careers such as the Mech-Assassin and Agent of the Lords Dragon, and arm themselves with weapons and gifts of the Omnissiah. And in a thrilling new adventure, your team will journey to a lost comet-station, where they’ll stop renegade tech-priests from heretical experiments into the Warp!

As we prepare for its release, we’re pleased to present a word from contributing writer Matthew Eustace (H.B.M.C. on our forums):

I’ve long been fascinated with the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Imperium’s own “empire within an empire.” They always seemed like an enormous organisation that constantly sat in your peripheral vision – never front and centre, yet you always knew they were there – and when the chance to expand upon the Mechanicum’ history within the Calixis Sector came up I jumped at the chance.

Philosophical Differences

One area of The Lathes Worlds that I enjoyed writing was any place where I could take parts of Calixian history, such as the Meritech Wars or the War of Brass, and inject that history into both the new alternate careers as well as various types of weapons and equipment. Two great examples of this are the Crimson Guard and Cult of the Pure Form. These two organisations rose from the ashes of terrible wars, yet exist as polar opposites to one another – one an army of enhanced soldiers loyal to the Mechanicum, the other a group that sees the Mechanicum as a dire threat to humanity!

The Crimson Guard, also known as the Venatorii, are the elite forces of the Lathe Worlds. Unique to the Calixis Sector, their history stems from the decimation the War of Brass wrought upon the regular Skitarii forces of the Lathes. Built up whilst the regular Lathe armies recovered, the Crimson Guard have almost become a kind of Mechanicum special forces, and unlike most branches of the Adeptus Mechanicus are known to work with the Inquisition as advisors and bodyguards. The Cult of the Pure Form finds their origins in the aftermath of another horrific conflict, the Malygrisian Tech-Heresy. They view cybernetics as a blight upon humanity and something that sullies sacred flesh. Their whole existence focuses on undermining the Machine Cult and “liberating” poor souls who have found themselves “defiled” by cybernetics.

Another Mechanicum trait I like is the way forge worlds manufacture equipment that is similar in function yet has its own local spin (a Mars-Pattern Lasgun versus an Accatran-Pattern Lasgun, for example). Using the history of the Calixian forge worlds I took this idea and ran with it for many of the weapons and equipment within the Armoury. The Perinetus-Pattern Servo Harness, the Midath-Pattern Power Glove and the Het-Pattern Rapier tap into the histories of these worlds to better bring them to life, making them more than simple tools or weapons, but things that have a logical place within the larger Calixis Sector.

I’m sure Dark Heresy players will find a wealth of mechanical miracles within The Lathe Worlds’ pages. The Mechanicum has always played a large role in our campaigns, and once this book is out I’m certain that there will be Tech-Priests everywhere!

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The Koronus Bestiary - Bestiary Download Available

Digital Daemons

From the enigmatic Eldar to the ferocious Orks, alien races seek to halt Mankind's rightful rule of the galaxy. Will you master these foul creatures and rule the void, or become another foolhardy Explorer lost to the Expanse?The Koronus Bestiary, a supplement for Rogue Trader, is now available for sale via download through drivethrurpg.com and rpgnow.com! This detailed compendium provides invaluable information on deadly beasts, hostile xenos, unholy daemons, and other dangers that fill the uncharted regions of the Koronus Expanse.In addition to its many adventure seeds and plot hooks, The Koronus Bestiary also features art and descriptions for a range of foes, including Shadowkith, Thornmaws, Void Krakens, and a host of others. Looking for even more vile enemies? The Xenos Generator rules allow players to create alien species as varied and dangerous as they can imagine!Threats to the ExpanseHumanity may have settled untold worlds in the Koronus Expanse, but only the most audacious of ...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on August 3rd, 2012

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Published 3 August 2012 | Rogue Trader

Digital Daemons

The Koronus Bestiary, A Rogue Trader Supplement, Is On Sale Via Download

“They descend from the heavens like a maelstrom of destruction. Everything they seek and everything that they find lies in ruins, for they are of a lost age. Though if they do find the treasure they seek, a new Age of Strife may come upon us all."      –The Witches of Footfall, prior to the first sighting of the Rak’Gol

From the enigmatic Eldar to the ferocious Orks, alien races seek to halt Mankind’s rightful rule of the galaxy. Will you master these foul creatures and rule the void, or become another foolhardy Explorer lost to the Expanse?

The Koronus Bestiary, a supplement for Rogue Trader, is now available for sale via download through drivethrurpg.com and rpgnow.com! This detailed compendium provides invaluable information on deadly beasts, hostile xenos, unholy daemons, and other dangers that fill the uncharted regions of the Koronus Expanse.

In addition to its many adventure seeds and plot hooks, The Koronus Bestiary also features art and descriptions for a range of foes, including Shadowkith, Thornmaws, Void Krakens, and a host of others. Looking for even more vile enemies? The Xenos Generator rules allow players to create alien species as varied and dangerous as they can imagine!

Threats to the Expanse

Humanity may have settled untold worlds in the Koronus Expanse, but only the most audacious of Rogue Traders would dare claim that it asserts any true dominion over this lawless region of space. For every conquered planet there are dozens more under the control of vile aliens. Explorers operating in the Expanse are sure to encounter these threats in their journeys, either by accident or design, and must be ready lest their ship and their profits be lost.

Each of The Koronus Bestiary’s chapters concentrates on one type of threat, ranging from savage monsters to predatory alien races to the terrors that lurk beyond reality. Chapter one examines some of the more dangerous beasts found across the Expanse, while chapter two covers the major sentient xenos races in this lawless region of space (such as the devious Stryxis, brutal Orks, treacherous Eldar, ferocious Rak’Gol, and much more). Next, chapter three presents a different sort of threat: foul warp spawn that not only destroy an Explorer’s body, but rend his very soul. Finally, Game Masters can use chapter four’s xenos generator to produce unique beasts, dangerous plant life and even primitive sentient races ripe for exploitation and indoctrination.

Innumerable terrors populate the uncharted planets of the Koronus Expanse. Will you be ready for them? Learn more by reading our series of previews, then download your copy of The Koronus Bestiary at drivethrurpg.com or rpgnow.com!

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in our forums!

The Koronus Bestiary - Bestiary Download Available

Digital Daemons

From the enigmatic Eldar to the ferocious Orks, alien races seek to halt Mankind's rightful rule of the galaxy. Will you master these foul creatures and rule the void, or become another foolhardy Explorer lost to the Expanse?The Koronus Bestiary, a supplement for Rogue Trader, is now available for sale via download through drivethrurpg.com and rpgnow.com! This detailed compendium provides invaluable information on deadly beasts, hostile xenos, unholy daemons, and other dangers that fill the uncharted regions of the Koronus Expanse.In addition to its many adventure seeds and plot hooks, The Koronus Bestiary also features art and descriptions for a range of foes, including Shadowkith, Thornmaws, Void Krakens, and a host of others. Looking for even more vile enemies? The Xenos Generator rules allow players to create alien species as varied and dangerous as they can imagine!Threats to the ExpanseHumanity may have settled untold worlds in the Koronus Expanse, but only the most audacious of ...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on August 3rd, 2012

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Published 3 August 2012 | Rogue Trader

Digital Daemons

The Koronus Bestiary, A Rogue Trader Supplement, Is On Sale Via Download

“They descend from the heavens like a maelstrom of destruction. Everything they seek and everything that they find lies in ruins, for they are of a lost age. Though if they do find the treasure they seek, a new Age of Strife may come upon us all."      –The Witches of Footfall, prior to the first sighting of the Rak’Gol

From the enigmatic Eldar to the ferocious Orks, alien races seek to halt Mankind’s rightful rule of the galaxy. Will you master these foul creatures and rule the void, or become another foolhardy Explorer lost to the Expanse?

The Koronus Bestiary, a supplement for Rogue Trader, is now available for sale via download through drivethrurpg.com and rpgnow.com! This detailed compendium provides invaluable information on deadly beasts, hostile xenos, unholy daemons, and other dangers that fill the uncharted regions of the Koronus Expanse.

In addition to its many adventure seeds and plot hooks, The Koronus Bestiary also features art and descriptions for a range of foes, including Shadowkith, Thornmaws, Void Krakens, and a host of others. Looking for even more vile enemies? The Xenos Generator rules allow players to create alien species as varied and dangerous as they can imagine!

Threats to the Expanse

Humanity may have settled untold worlds in the Koronus Expanse, but only the most audacious of Rogue Traders would dare claim that it asserts any true dominion over this lawless region of space. For every conquered planet there are dozens more under the control of vile aliens. Explorers operating in the Expanse are sure to encounter these threats in their journeys, either by accident or design, and must be ready lest their ship and their profits be lost.

Each of The Koronus Bestiary’s chapters concentrates on one type of threat, ranging from savage monsters to predatory alien races to the terrors that lurk beyond reality. Chapter one examines some of the more dangerous beasts found across the Expanse, while chapter two covers the major sentient xenos races in this lawless region of space (such as the devious Stryxis, brutal Orks, treacherous Eldar, ferocious Rak’Gol, and much more). Next, chapter three presents a different sort of threat: foul warp spawn that not only destroy an Explorer’s body, but rend his very soul. Finally, Game Masters can use chapter four’s xenos generator to produce unique beasts, dangerous plant life and even primitive sentient races ripe for exploitation and indoctrination.

Innumerable terrors populate the uncharted planets of the Koronus Expanse. Will you be ready for them? Learn more by reading our series of previews, then download your copy of The Koronus Bestiary at drivethrurpg.com or rpgnow.com!

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in our forums!

The Lathe Worlds - Supplement Preview

From the Ashes of War

The Lathe Worlds, a supplement for Dark Heresy, is coming next week! This invaluable tome reveals the secret history of the Lathe Worlds, from their mysterious founding to their current struggles against tech-heresy. What's more, players will gain access to new Alternate Careers such as the Mech-Assassin and Agent of the Lords Dragon, and arm themselves with weapons and gifts of the Omnissiah. And in a thrilling new adventure, your team will journey to a lost comet-station, where they'll stop renegade tech-priests from heretical experiments into the Warp!As we prepare for its release, we're pleased to present a word from contributing writer Matthew Eustace (H.B.M.C. on our forums):I've long been fascinated with the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Imperium's own "empire within an empire." They always seemed like an enormous organisation that constantly sat in your peripheral vision -- never front and centre, yet you always knew they were there -- and when the chance to expand upon the Mechanicu...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on August 3rd, 2012

Read more right here | Read more on fantasyflightgames.com

Published 3 August 2012 | Dark Heresy

From the Ashes of War

A Preview of The Lathe Worlds, an Upcoming Dark Heresy Supplement

“They came upon our position like a river of red; an unbroken line of armour and guns stretching across our battle lines. Without a word they opened fire, and I witnessed destruction the likes of which I had never seen. Minutes passed, and still they kept firing. With so few of us left, I knew it was the end, and at that moment, as I took one last look at the grim facades of these soldiers, I knew the Machine God was real. I threw my weapon away and awaited his judgement."       – Last recorded testament of Vasallis Noch, the Butcher of Sahcrin

The Lathe Worlds, a supplement for Dark Heresy, is coming next week! This invaluable tome reveals the secret history of the Lathe Worlds, from their mysterious founding to their current struggles against tech-heresy. What’s more, players will gain access to new Alternate Careers such as the Mech-Assassin and Agent of the Lords Dragon, and arm themselves with weapons and gifts of the Omnissiah. And in a thrilling new adventure, your team will journey to a lost comet-station, where they’ll stop renegade tech-priests from heretical experiments into the Warp!

As we prepare for its release, we’re pleased to present a word from contributing writer Matthew Eustace (H.B.M.C. on our forums):

I’ve long been fascinated with the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Imperium’s own “empire within an empire.” They always seemed like an enormous organisation that constantly sat in your peripheral vision – never front and centre, yet you always knew they were there – and when the chance to expand upon the Mechanicum’ history within the Calixis Sector came up I jumped at the chance.

Philosophical Differences

One area of The Lathes Worlds that I enjoyed writing was any place where I could take parts of Calixian history, such as the Meritech Wars or the War of Brass, and inject that history into both the new alternate careers as well as various types of weapons and equipment. Two great examples of this are the Crimson Guard and Cult of the Pure Form. These two organisations rose from the ashes of terrible wars, yet exist as polar opposites to one another – one an army of enhanced soldiers loyal to the Mechanicum, the other a group that sees the Mechanicum as a dire threat to humanity!

The Crimson Guard, also known as the Venatorii, are the elite forces of the Lathe Worlds. Unique to the Calixis Sector, their history stems from the decimation the War of Brass wrought upon the regular Skitarii forces of the Lathes. Built up whilst the regular Lathe armies recovered, the Crimson Guard have almost become a kind of Mechanicum special forces, and unlike most branches of the Adeptus Mechanicus are known to work with the Inquisition as advisors and bodyguards. The Cult of the Pure Form finds their origins in the aftermath of another horrific conflict, the Malygrisian Tech-Heresy. They view cybernetics as a blight upon humanity and something that sullies sacred flesh. Their whole existence focuses on undermining the Machine Cult and “liberating” poor souls who have found themselves “defiled” by cybernetics.

Another Mechanicum trait I like is the way forge worlds manufacture equipment that is similar in function yet has its own local spin (a Mars-Pattern Lasgun versus an Accatran-Pattern Lasgun, for example). Using the history of the Calixian forge worlds I took this idea and ran with it for many of the weapons and equipment within the Armoury. The Perinetus-Pattern Servo Harness, the Midath-Pattern Power Glove and the Het-Pattern Rapier tap into the histories of these worlds to better bring them to life, making them more than simple tools or weapons, but things that have a logical place within the larger Calixis Sector.

I’m sure Dark Heresy players will find a wealth of mechanical miracles within The Lathe Worlds’ pages. The Mechanicum has always played a large role in our campaigns, and once this book is out I’m certain that there will be Tech-Priests everywhere!

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The Koronus Bestiary - Bestiary Download Available

Digital Daemons

From the enigmatic Eldar to the ferocious Orks, alien races seek to halt Mankind's rightful rule of the galaxy. Will you master these foul creatures and rule the void, or become another foolhardy Explorer lost to the Expanse?The Koronus Bestiary, a supplement for Rogue Trader, is now available for sale via download through drivethrurpg.com and rpgnow.com! This detailed compendium provides invaluable information on deadly beasts, hostile xenos, unholy daemons, and other dangers that fill the uncharted regions of the Koronus Expanse.In addition to its many adventure seeds and plot hooks, The Koronus Bestiary also features art and descriptions for a range of foes, including Shadowkith, Thornmaws, Void Krakens, and a host of others. Looking for even more vile enemies? The Xenos Generator rules allow players to create alien species as varied and dangerous as they can imagine!Threats to the ExpanseHumanity may have settled untold worlds in the Koronus Expanse, but only the most audacious of ...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on August 3rd, 2012

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Published 3 August 2012 | Rogue Trader

Digital Daemons

The Koronus Bestiary, A Rogue Trader Supplement, Is On Sale Via Download

“They descend from the heavens like a maelstrom of destruction. Everything they seek and everything that they find lies in ruins, for they are of a lost age. Though if they do find the treasure they seek, a new Age of Strife may come upon us all."      –The Witches of Footfall, prior to the first sighting of the Rak’Gol

From the enigmatic Eldar to the ferocious Orks, alien races seek to halt Mankind’s rightful rule of the galaxy. Will you master these foul creatures and rule the void, or become another foolhardy Explorer lost to the Expanse?

The Koronus Bestiary, a supplement for Rogue Trader, is now available for sale via download through drivethrurpg.com and rpgnow.com! This detailed compendium provides invaluable information on deadly beasts, hostile xenos, unholy daemons, and other dangers that fill the uncharted regions of the Koronus Expanse.

In addition to its many adventure seeds and plot hooks, The Koronus Bestiary also features art and descriptions for a range of foes, including Shadowkith, Thornmaws, Void Krakens, and a host of others. Looking for even more vile enemies? The Xenos Generator rules allow players to create alien species as varied and dangerous as they can imagine!

Threats to the Expanse

Humanity may have settled untold worlds in the Koronus Expanse, but only the most audacious of Rogue Traders would dare claim that it asserts any true dominion over this lawless region of space. For every conquered planet there are dozens more under the control of vile aliens. Explorers operating in the Expanse are sure to encounter these threats in their journeys, either by accident or design, and must be ready lest their ship and their profits be lost.

Each of The Koronus Bestiary’s chapters concentrates on one type of threat, ranging from savage monsters to predatory alien races to the terrors that lurk beyond reality. Chapter one examines some of the more dangerous beasts found across the Expanse, while chapter two covers the major sentient xenos races in this lawless region of space (such as the devious Stryxis, brutal Orks, treacherous Eldar, ferocious Rak’Gol, and much more). Next, chapter three presents a different sort of threat: foul warp spawn that not only destroy an Explorer’s body, but rend his very soul. Finally, Game Masters can use chapter four’s xenos generator to produce unique beasts, dangerous plant life and even primitive sentient races ripe for exploitation and indoctrination.

Innumerable terrors populate the uncharted planets of the Koronus Expanse. Will you be ready for them? Learn more by reading our series of previews, then download your copy of The Koronus Bestiary at drivethrurpg.com or rpgnow.com!

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The Soul Reaver - Adventure Announcement

Pray They Do Not Take You Alive

A Preview of The Soul Reaver, the Upcoming Rogue Trader Supplement “We are the lords of despair, masters of terror. Dread and agony are our meat and wine, and they are plentiful indeed!”       – Attributed to Asdrubael Vect The Dark Eldar are a plague upon the Koronus Expanse;...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on August 1st, 2012

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“We are the lords of despair, masters of terror. Dread and agony are our meat and wine, and they are plentiful indeed!”
      – Attributed to Asdrubael Vect

The Dark Eldar are a plague upon the Koronus Expanse; raiders, slavers, pirates, and even Rogue Traders suffer at their barbed lashes and blades. Any who cross the Maw and sail the void of the Koronus Expanse learn to fear the wicked silhouettes of their ships and their seemingly endless cruelty towards all life, including their own. Only vigilance and firepower keep the worst depredations of these terrible raiders at bay, though from the dens of Footfall to the commerce halls of Port Wander there are countless tales of crew lost and ships savaged in their sudden attacks...

Earlier this year, we announced the upcoming release of The Soul Reaver, an adventure in three parts for Rogue Trader. This epic campaign is a chance for daring Explorers to look deep into the twisted heart of Dark Eldar society in the Koronus Expanse, and pull the greatest heist of their careers. Now, with the release of The Soul Reaver just a few weeks away, we’re pleased to feature a word from one of its contributing writers, Nathan Dowdell:

Ruthless and Cunning

The Dark Eldar are a vile and depraved breed of sadists and murderers, vicious predators of the void who find insane strength and nightmarish vitality in the torments they inflict. Yet in spite of this – or perhaps because of it – the Dark Eldar are the latest species to become available as playable characters in Rogue Trader.

While the Dark Eldar are every bit as terrible as their dread reputations may suggest, they are also a selfish, ambitious, and mercenary people. Their culture is dominated by murderous politics, where advancement and loyalty both come at knife-point, and where any with sufficient desire and ruthlessness can achieve great heights. In this regard, they are little different from many of those who travel the untamed void as Explorers, and a willing Rogue Trader may find an unlikely ally in a Dark Eldar Kabalite Warrior.

The Soul Reaver provides circumstances by which a Dark Eldar character may join a group of Explorers, as well as the full rules for using a Kabalite Warrior character. In such a new ally, you may find a consummate warrior and assassin, whose powers only increase as the death toll rises. Every Dark Eldar feeds upon the pain and terror of others, and this is fully realised in game terms, with an assortment of traits and talents that represent the supernatural prowess that comes with a bounty of suffering. However, those Dark Eldar who cannot sate their unnatural thirst will find their powers waning and diminishing.

Furthermore, the book contains an extensive arsenal of Dark Eldar wargear, providing each Kabalite Warrior with the perfect tools with which to spread agony and despair. However, these tools are not only for Player Characters to enjoy.

The Soul Reaver contains a bestiary of Dark Eldar adversaries, covering everything from cruel Kabalite Warriors and vicious Wyches to shrieking Reaver Jetbikers and the horrific creations of the Haemonculi. All of these employ the same kinds of equipment, talents and traits that player characters can enjoy, making them a match for any who might cross their path. To round things out, rules for Dark Eldar starships and an assortment of vehicles that use the vehicle rules from Into the Storm can be found within this book as well, turning it into a comprehensive look at using the Dark Eldar as allies, enemies or both in your games of Rogue Trader.

Thanks, Nathan. Look for more on The Soul Reaver over the next few weeks, and head to your local retailer to place your pre-order!

Rogue Trader is a roleplaying game set in dark gothic far future of Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 universe. Players take on the roles of explorers aboard a Rogue Trader's ship, searching for profit and adventure while discovering new alien cultures and threats in the uncharted regions of space.


The Soul Reaver - Adventure Preview

Pray They Do Not Take You Alive

The Dark Eldar are a plague upon the Koronus Expanse; raiders, slavers, pirates, and even Rogue Traders suffer at their barbed lashes and blades. Any who cross the Maw and sail the void of the Koronus Expanse learn to fear the wicked silhouettes of their ships and their seemingly endless cruelty towards all life, including their own. Only vigilance and firepower keep the worst depredations of these terrible raiders at bay, though from the dens of Footfall to the commerce halls of Port Wander there are countless tales of crew lost and ships savaged in their sudden attacks...Earlier this year, we announced the upcoming release of The Soul Reaver, an adventure in three parts for Rogue Trader. This epic campaign is a chance for daring Explorers to look deep into the twisted heart of Dark Eldar society in the Koronus Expanse, and pull the greatest heist of their careers. Now, with the release of The Soul Reaver just a few weeks away, we're pleased to feature a word from one of its contribut...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on August 1st, 2012

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Published 1 August 2012 | Rogue Trader

Pray They Do Not Take You Alive

A Preview of The Soul Reaver, the Upcoming Rogue Trader Supplement

“We are the lords of despair, masters of terror. Dread and agony are our meat and wine, and they are plentiful indeed!”       – Attributed to Asdrubael Vect

The Dark Eldar are a plague upon the Koronus Expanse; raiders, slavers, pirates, and even Rogue Traders suffer at their barbed lashes and blades. Any who cross the Maw and sail the void of the Koronus Expanse learn to fear the wicked silhouettes of their ships and their seemingly endless cruelty towards all life, including their own. Only vigilance and firepower keep the worst depredations of these terrible raiders at bay, though from the dens of Footfall to the commerce halls of Port Wander there are countless tales of crew lost and ships savaged in their sudden attacks...

Earlier this year, we announced the upcoming release of The Soul Reaver, an adventure in three parts for Rogue Trader. This epic campaign is a chance for daring Explorers to look deep into the twisted heart of Dark Eldar society in the Koronus Expanse, and pull the greatest heist of their careers. Now, with the release of The Soul Reaver just a few weeks away, we’re pleased to feature a word from one of its contributing writers, Nathan Dowdell:

Ruthless and Cunning

The Dark Eldar are a vile and depraved breed of sadists and murderers, vicious predators of the void who find insane strength and nightmarish vitality in the torments they inflict. Yet in spite of this – or perhaps because of it – the Dark Eldar are the latest species to become available as playable characters in Rogue Trader.

While the Dark Eldar are every bit as terrible as their dread reputations may suggest, they are also a selfish, ambitious, and mercenary people. Their culture is dominated by murderous politics, where advancement and loyalty both come at knife-point, and where any with sufficient desire and ruthlessness can achieve great heights. In this regard, they are little different from many of those who travel the untamed void as Explorers, and a willing Rogue Trader may find an unlikely ally in a Dark Eldar Kabalite Warrior.

The Soul Reaver provides circumstances by which a Dark Eldar character may join a group of Explorers, as well as the full rules for using a Kabalite Warrior character. In such a new ally, you may find a consummate warrior and assassin, whose powers only increase as the death toll rises. Every Dark Eldar feeds upon the pain and terror of others, and this is fully realised in game terms, with an assortment of traits and talents that represent the supernatural prowess that comes with a bounty of suffering. However, those Dark Eldar who cannot sate their unnatural thirst will find their powers waning and diminishing.

Furthermore, the book contains an extensive arsenal of Dark Eldar wargear, providing each Kabalite Warrior with the perfect tools with which to spread agony and despair. However, these tools are not only for Player Characters to enjoy.

The Soul Reaver contains a bestiary of Dark Eldar adversaries, covering everything from cruel Kabalite Warriors and vicious Wyches to shrieking Reaver Jetbikers and the horrific creations of the Haemonculi. All of these employ the same kinds of equipment, talents and traits that player characters can enjoy, making them a match for any who might cross their path. To round things out, rules for Dark Eldar starships and an assortment of vehicles that use the vehicle rules from Into the Storm can be found within this book as well, turning it into a comprehensive look at using the Dark Eldar as allies, enemies or both in your games of Rogue Trader.

Thanks, Nathan. Look for more on The Soul Reaver over the next few weeks, and head to your local retailer to place your pre-order!

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The Soul Reaver - Adventure Preview

Pray They Do Not Take You Alive

The Dark Eldar are a plague upon the Koronus Expanse; raiders, slavers, pirates, and even Rogue Traders suffer at their barbed lashes and blades. Any who cross the Maw and sail the void of the Koronus Expanse learn to fear the wicked silhouettes of their ships and their seemingly endless cruelty towards all life, including their own. Only vigilance and firepower keep the worst depredations of these terrible raiders at bay, though from the dens of Footfall to the commerce halls of Port Wander there are countless tales of crew lost and ships savaged in their sudden attacks...Earlier this year, we announced the upcoming release of The Soul Reaver, an adventure in three parts for Rogue Trader. This epic campaign is a chance for daring Explorers to look deep into the twisted heart of Dark Eldar society in the Koronus Expanse, and pull the greatest heist of their careers. Now, with the release of The Soul Reaver just a few weeks away, we're pleased to feature a word from one of its contribut...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on August 1st, 2012

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Published 1 August 2012 | Rogue Trader

Pray They Do Not Take You Alive

A Preview of The Soul Reaver, the Upcoming Rogue Trader Supplement

“We are the lords of despair, masters of terror. Dread and agony are our meat and wine, and they are plentiful indeed!”       – Attributed to Asdrubael Vect

The Dark Eldar are a plague upon the Koronus Expanse; raiders, slavers, pirates, and even Rogue Traders suffer at their barbed lashes and blades. Any who cross the Maw and sail the void of the Koronus Expanse learn to fear the wicked silhouettes of their ships and their seemingly endless cruelty towards all life, including their own. Only vigilance and firepower keep the worst depredations of these terrible raiders at bay, though from the dens of Footfall to the commerce halls of Port Wander there are countless tales of crew lost and ships savaged in their sudden attacks...

Earlier this year, we announced the upcoming release of The Soul Reaver, an adventure in three parts for Rogue Trader. This epic campaign is a chance for daring Explorers to look deep into the twisted heart of Dark Eldar society in the Koronus Expanse, and pull the greatest heist of their careers. Now, with the release of The Soul Reaver just a few weeks away, we’re pleased to feature a word from one of its contributing writers, Nathan Dowdell:

Ruthless and Cunning

The Dark Eldar are a vile and depraved breed of sadists and murderers, vicious predators of the void who find insane strength and nightmarish vitality in the torments they inflict. Yet in spite of this – or perhaps because of it – the Dark Eldar are the latest species to become available as playable characters in Rogue Trader.

While the Dark Eldar are every bit as terrible as their dread reputations may suggest, they are also a selfish, ambitious, and mercenary people. Their culture is dominated by murderous politics, where advancement and loyalty both come at knife-point, and where any with sufficient desire and ruthlessness can achieve great heights. In this regard, they are little different from many of those who travel the untamed void as Explorers, and a willing Rogue Trader may find an unlikely ally in a Dark Eldar Kabalite Warrior.

The Soul Reaver provides circumstances by which a Dark Eldar character may join a group of Explorers, as well as the full rules for using a Kabalite Warrior character. In such a new ally, you may find a consummate warrior and assassin, whose powers only increase as the death toll rises. Every Dark Eldar feeds upon the pain and terror of others, and this is fully realised in game terms, with an assortment of traits and talents that represent the supernatural prowess that comes with a bounty of suffering. However, those Dark Eldar who cannot sate their unnatural thirst will find their powers waning and diminishing.

Furthermore, the book contains an extensive arsenal of Dark Eldar wargear, providing each Kabalite Warrior with the perfect tools with which to spread agony and despair. However, these tools are not only for Player Characters to enjoy.

The Soul Reaver contains a bestiary of Dark Eldar adversaries, covering everything from cruel Kabalite Warriors and vicious Wyches to shrieking Reaver Jetbikers and the horrific creations of the Haemonculi. All of these employ the same kinds of equipment, talents and traits that player characters can enjoy, making them a match for any who might cross their path. To round things out, rules for Dark Eldar starships and an assortment of vehicles that use the vehicle rules from Into the Storm can be found within this book as well, turning it into a comprehensive look at using the Dark Eldar as allies, enemies or both in your games of Rogue Trader.

Thanks, Nathan. Look for more on The Soul Reaver over the next few weeks, and head to your local retailer to place your pre-order!

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The Soul Reaver - Adventure Preview

Pray They Do Not Take You Alive

The Dark Eldar are a plague upon the Koronus Expanse; raiders, slavers, pirates, and even Rogue Traders suffer at their barbed lashes and blades. Any who cross the Maw and sail the void of the Koronus Expanse learn to fear the wicked silhouettes of their ships and their seemingly endless cruelty towards all life, including their own. Only vigilance and firepower keep the worst depredations of these terrible raiders at bay, though from the dens of Footfall to the commerce halls of Port Wander there are countless tales of crew lost and ships savaged in their sudden attacks...Earlier this year, we announced the upcoming release of The Soul Reaver, an adventure in three parts for Rogue Trader. This epic campaign is a chance for daring Explorers to look deep into the twisted heart of Dark Eldar society in the Koronus Expanse, and pull the greatest heist of their careers. Now, with the release of The Soul Reaver just a few weeks away, we're pleased to feature a word from one of its contribut...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on August 1st, 2012

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Published 1 August 2012 | Rogue Trader

Pray They Do Not Take You Alive

A Preview of The Soul Reaver, the Upcoming Rogue Trader Supplement

“We are the lords of despair, masters of terror. Dread and agony are our meat and wine, and they are plentiful indeed!”       – Attributed to Asdrubael Vect

The Dark Eldar are a plague upon the Koronus Expanse; raiders, slavers, pirates, and even Rogue Traders suffer at their barbed lashes and blades. Any who cross the Maw and sail the void of the Koronus Expanse learn to fear the wicked silhouettes of their ships and their seemingly endless cruelty towards all life, including their own. Only vigilance and firepower keep the worst depredations of these terrible raiders at bay, though from the dens of Footfall to the commerce halls of Port Wander there are countless tales of crew lost and ships savaged in their sudden attacks...

Earlier this year, we announced the upcoming release of The Soul Reaver, an adventure in three parts for Rogue Trader. This epic campaign is a chance for daring Explorers to look deep into the twisted heart of Dark Eldar society in the Koronus Expanse, and pull the greatest heist of their careers. Now, with the release of The Soul Reaver just a few weeks away, we’re pleased to feature a word from one of its contributing writers, Nathan Dowdell:

Ruthless and Cunning

The Dark Eldar are a vile and depraved breed of sadists and murderers, vicious predators of the void who find insane strength and nightmarish vitality in the torments they inflict. Yet in spite of this – or perhaps because of it – the Dark Eldar are the latest species to become available as playable characters in Rogue Trader.

While the Dark Eldar are every bit as terrible as their dread reputations may suggest, they are also a selfish, ambitious, and mercenary people. Their culture is dominated by murderous politics, where advancement and loyalty both come at knife-point, and where any with sufficient desire and ruthlessness can achieve great heights. In this regard, they are little different from many of those who travel the untamed void as Explorers, and a willing Rogue Trader may find an unlikely ally in a Dark Eldar Kabalite Warrior.

The Soul Reaver provides circumstances by which a Dark Eldar character may join a group of Explorers, as well as the full rules for using a Kabalite Warrior character. In such a new ally, you may find a consummate warrior and assassin, whose powers only increase as the death toll rises. Every Dark Eldar feeds upon the pain and terror of others, and this is fully realised in game terms, with an assortment of traits and talents that represent the supernatural prowess that comes with a bounty of suffering. However, those Dark Eldar who cannot sate their unnatural thirst will find their powers waning and diminishing.

Furthermore, the book contains an extensive arsenal of Dark Eldar wargear, providing each Kabalite Warrior with the perfect tools with which to spread agony and despair. However, these tools are not only for Player Characters to enjoy.

The Soul Reaver contains a bestiary of Dark Eldar adversaries, covering everything from cruel Kabalite Warriors and vicious Wyches to shrieking Reaver Jetbikers and the horrific creations of the Haemonculi. All of these employ the same kinds of equipment, talents and traits that player characters can enjoy, making them a match for any who might cross their path. To round things out, rules for Dark Eldar starships and an assortment of vehicles that use the vehicle rules from Into the Storm can be found within this book as well, turning it into a comprehensive look at using the Dark Eldar as allies, enemies or both in your games of Rogue Trader.

Thanks, Nathan. Look for more on The Soul Reaver over the next few weeks, and head to your local retailer to place your pre-order!

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The Tome of Fate - Supplement Preview

Daemons of Tzeentch

A Preview of The Tome of Fate, the Upcoming Black Crusade Supplement “You think me mad, and I do not dispute it. But there is something within that burning orb, and its unleashing will sound the death knell of a thousand thousand worlds.”       –High Adept Lobile of Velklir,...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on July 31st, 2012

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“You think me mad, and I do not dispute it. But there is something within that burning orb, and its unleashing will sound the death knell of a thousand thousand worlds.”
      –High Adept Lobile of Velklir, upon his return from the Flaming Tomb

In March, we announced the upcoming release of The Tome of Fate, a supplement for Black Crusade. The first of four books delving into the darkest secrets of the Ruinous Powers, The Tome of Fate presents invaluable information on Tzeentch’s dark servants, both daemonic and mortal, and how his influence is felt across the Screaming Vortex. With new weapons and psychic powers to aid them, Heretics can go forth across that unholy stretch of stars and beyond into the depths of the fallen Imperium, ready to challenge Fate and make it their own.

We've been quiet about The Tome of Fate for a while, but we're pleased to report that it will be on store shelves in just over two weeks. We're therefore pleased to resume our series of previews. In our first preview, we presented a look at Tzeentch’s Thousand and One Plots, and we learned of the inherent futility in any attempt to decipher the Lord of Lies’ countless schemes. After that, we trembled before the raw power of one of his most potent servants, the Thousand Sons Sorcerer. Today, we’ll glimpse a planet in the Screaming Vortex that serves as a conduit for Tzeentch’s chaotic efforts. We’ll also preview three of his sanity-shattering minions.

A Burned and Blackened Orb

The Flaming Tomb at first appears to be just another volcanically volatile world, its surface a random pattern of light and darkness as fissures and cracks in its ever-shifting crust reveal the surging magma beneath. But from certain perspectives it is almost as if a pattern emerges from the seemingly random movement, if only one were to look from the right vantage, in the right frame of mind, and at the right moment.

Among those whose minds tend towards idle speculation, or those who yearn for a quick and easy road to power within the Screaming Vortex, there are many theories regarding the phantom patterns of the Flaming Tomb; patterns that most people who have visited the planet deny even exist. Some unsettled scholars whisper that a powerful entity was trapped within the planet, entombed there by an enormous authority for some heinous crime or failure. Some posit that it is one of the regal Lords of Change trapped within by the displeased Sovereign of Deception. Others suspect that it may be a great daemon prince, some former champion of the Great Schemer whose failure has earned it eternal consignment to the fiery prison. The softest whispers tell of a great psychic champion of the Corpse-God, a servant of the faltering Imperium, condemned to this hellish tomb by a single moment of mortal weakness.

Chaos’ Playground

One thing is certain. Due to the Flaming Tomb’s close proximity to the Lower Vortex, daemons of every size and description find it easier to exist upon the enigmatic ball of char than on any planet of the Gloaming Worlds or within the Inner Ring. Often, daemons of Tzeentch cavort upon the blasted and poisoned surface, frolicking through convulsive detonations, dancing to the beat of music only they can hear. Those mortals wishing to seek out the daemons of the Monarch of Permutation but lacking confidence in their own powers, often turn to the Flaming Tomb, knowing that there the veil between the material realm and the mindscape is frighteningly thin.

Today, we’re pleased to present an excerpt from The Tome of Fate (pdf, 4.1 MB), in which you can learn more about two of Tzeentch’s favorite pets, Flamers and Discs, as well as the ethereal daemon prince Phokulozortis! Download it today, and prepare for The Tome of Fate’s arrival in stores in just a few short weeks.

Black Crusade is a roleplaying game set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, a setting in the grim darkness of the far future. Players take on the roles of Disciples of the Dark Gods, working against the rule of the galaxy-spanning Imperium of Man and in pursuit of personal glory.


The Tome of Fate - Supplement Preview

Daemons of Tzeentch

In March, we announced the upcoming release of The Tome of Fate, a supplement for Black Crusade. The first of four books delving into the darkest secrets of the Ruinous Powers, The Tome of Fate presents invaluable information on Tzeentch's dark servants, both daemonic and mortal, and how his influence is felt across the Screaming Vortex. With new weapons and psychic powers to aid them, Heretics can go forth across that unholy stretch of stars and beyond into the depths of the fallen Imperium, ready to challenge Fate and make it their own.We've been quiet about The Tome of Fate for a while, but we're pleased to report that it will be on store shelves in just over two weeks. We're therefore pleased to resume our series of previews. In our first preview, we presented a look at Tzeentch's Thousand and One Plots, and we learned of the inherent futility in any attempt to decipher the Lord of Lies' countless schemes. After that, we trembled before the raw power of one of his most potent serva...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on July 31st, 2012

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Published 31 July 2012 | Black Crusade

Daemons of Tzeentch

A Preview of The Tome of Fate, the Upcoming Black Crusade Supplement

“You think me mad, and I do not dispute it. But there is something within that burning orb, and its unleashing will sound the death knell of a thousand thousand worlds.”       –High Adept Lobile of Velklir, upon his return from the Flaming Tomb

In March, we announced the upcoming release of The Tome of Fate, a supplement for Black Crusade. The first of four books delving into the darkest secrets of the Ruinous Powers, The Tome of Fate presents invaluable information on Tzeentch’s dark servants, both daemonic and mortal, and how his influence is felt across the Screaming Vortex. With new weapons and psychic powers to aid them, Heretics can go forth across that unholy stretch of stars and beyond into the depths of the fallen Imperium, ready to challenge Fate and make it their own.

We've been quiet about The Tome of Fate for a while, but we're pleased to report that it will be on store shelves in just over two weeks. We're therefore pleased to resume our series of previews. In our first preview, we presented a look at Tzeentch’s Thousand and One Plots, and we learned of the inherent futility in any attempt to decipher the Lord of Lies’ countless schemes. After that, we trembled before the raw power of one of his most potent servants, the Thousand Sons Sorcerer. Today, we’ll glimpse a planet in the Screaming Vortex that serves as a conduit for Tzeentch’s chaotic efforts. We’ll also preview three of his sanity-shattering minions.

A Burned and Blackened Orb

The Flaming Tomb at first appears to be just another volcanically volatile world, its surface a random pattern of light and darkness as fissures and cracks in its ever-shifting crust reveal the surging magma beneath. But from certain perspectives it is almost as if a pattern emerges from the seemingly random movement, if only one were to look from the right vantage, in the right frame of mind, and at the right moment.

Among those whose minds tend towards idle speculation, or those who yearn for a quick and easy road to power within the Screaming Vortex, there are many theories regarding the phantom patterns of the Flaming Tomb; patterns that most people who have visited the planet deny even exist. Some unsettled scholars whisper that a powerful entity was trapped within the planet, entombed there by an enormous authority for some heinous crime or failure. Some posit that it is one of the regal Lords of Change trapped within by the displeased Sovereign of Deception. Others suspect that it may be a great daemon prince, some former champion of the Great Schemer whose failure has earned it eternal consignment to the fiery prison. The softest whispers tell of a great psychic champion of the Corpse-God, a servant of the faltering Imperium, condemned to this hellish tomb by a single moment of mortal weakness.

Chaos’ Playground

One thing is certain. Due to the Flaming Tomb’s close proximity to the Lower Vortex, daemons of every size and description find it easier to exist upon the enigmatic ball of char than on any planet of the Gloaming Worlds or within the Inner Ring. Often, daemons of Tzeentch cavort upon the blasted and poisoned surface, frolicking through convulsive detonations, dancing to the beat of music only they can hear. Those mortals wishing to seek out the daemons of the Monarch of Permutation but lacking confidence in their own powers, often turn to the Flaming Tomb, knowing that there the veil between the material realm and the mindscape is frighteningly thin.

Today, we’re pleased to present an excerpt from The Tome of Fate (pdf, 4.1 MB), in which you can learn more about two of Tzeentch’s favorite pets, Flamers and Discs, as well as the ethereal daemon prince Phokulozortis! Download it today, and prepare for The Tome of Fate’s arrival in stores in just a few short weeks.

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The Tome of Fate - Supplement Preview

Daemons of Tzeentch

In March, we announced the upcoming release of The Tome of Fate, a supplement for Black Crusade. The first of four books delving into the darkest secrets of the Ruinous Powers, The Tome of Fate presents invaluable information on Tzeentch's dark servants, both daemonic and mortal, and how his influence is felt across the Screaming Vortex. With new weapons and psychic powers to aid them, Heretics can go forth across that unholy stretch of stars and beyond into the depths of the fallen Imperium, ready to challenge Fate and make it their own.We've been quiet about The Tome of Fate for a while, but we're pleased to report that it will be on store shelves in just over two weeks. We're therefore pleased to resume our series of previews. In our first preview, we presented a look at Tzeentch's Thousand and One Plots, and we learned of the inherent futility in any attempt to decipher the Lord of Lies' countless schemes. After that, we trembled before the raw power of one of his most potent serva...

Posted on fantasyflightgames.com on July 31st, 2012

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Published 31 July 2012 | Black Crusade

Daemons of Tzeentch

A Preview of The Tome of Fate, the Upcoming Black Crusade Supplement

“You think me mad, and I do not dispute it. But there is something within that burning orb, and its unleashing will sound the death knell of a thousand thousand worlds.”       –High Adept Lobile of Velklir, upon his return from the Flaming Tomb

In March, we announced the upcoming release of The Tome of Fate, a supplement for Black Crusade. The first of four books delving into the darkest secrets of the Ruinous Powers, The Tome of Fate presents invaluable information on Tzeentch’s dark servants, both daemonic and mortal, and how his influence is felt across the Screaming Vortex. With new weapons and psychic powers to aid them, Heretics can go forth across that unholy stretch of stars and beyond into the depths of the fallen Imperium, ready to challenge Fate and make it their own.

We've been quiet about The Tome of Fate for a while, but we're pleased to report that it will be on store shelves in just over two weeks. We're therefore pleased to resume our series of previews. In our first preview, we presented a look at Tzeentch’s Thousand and One Plots, and we learned of the inherent futility in any attempt to decipher the Lord of Lies’ countless schemes. After that, we trembled before the raw power of one of his most potent servants, the Thousand Sons Sorcerer. Today, we’ll glimpse a planet in the Screaming Vortex that serves as a conduit for Tzeentch’s chaotic efforts. We’ll also preview three of his sanity-shattering minions.

A Burned and Blackened Orb

The Flaming Tomb at first appears to be just another volcanically volatile world, its surface a random pattern of light and darkness as fissures and cracks in its ever-shifting crust reveal the surging magma beneath. But from certain perspectives it is almost as if a pattern emerges from the seemingly random movement, if only one were to look from the right vantage, in the right frame of mind, and at the right moment.

Among those whose minds tend towards idle speculation, or those who yearn for a quick and easy road to power within the Screaming Vortex, there are many theories regarding the phantom patterns of the Flaming Tomb; patterns that most people who have visited the planet deny even exist. Some unsettled scholars whisper that a powerful entity was trapped within the planet, entombed there by an enormous authority for some heinous crime or failure. Some posit that it is one of the regal Lords of Change trapped within by the displeased Sovereign of Deception. Others suspect that it may be a great daemon prince, some former champion of the Great Schemer whose failure has earned it eternal consignment to the fiery prison. The softest whispers tell of a great psychic champion of the Corpse-God, a servant of the faltering Imperium, condemned to this hellish tomb by a single moment of mortal weakness.

Chaos’ Playground

One thing is certain. Due to the Flaming Tomb’s close proximity to the Lower Vortex, daemons of every size and description find it easier to exist upon the enigmatic ball of char than on any planet of the Gloaming Worlds or within the Inner Ring. Often, daemons of Tzeentch cavort upon the blasted and poisoned surface, frolicking through convulsive detonations, dancing to the beat of music only they can hear. Those mortals wishing to seek out the daemons of the Monarch of Permutation but lacking confidence in their own powers, often turn to the Flaming Tomb, knowing that there the veil between the material realm and the mindscape is frighteningly thin.

Today, we’re pleased to present an excerpt from The Tome of Fate (pdf, 4.1 MB), in which you can learn more about two of Tzeentch’s favorite pets, Flamers and Discs, as well as the ethereal daemon prince Phokulozortis! Download it today, and prepare for The Tome of Fate’s arrival in stores in just a few short weeks.

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